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Profile of Ravi Kumar

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Ravi Kumar
Professional Translator of the Year award winner 2013
Ravi Kumar profile
Founder, Modlingua Group
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With B.A, M.A and M.Phil in Spanish and Latin American Studies from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, and a Law Graduate (LLB), Ravi Kumar served as a faculty member for Spanish and Latin American Studies (2000-2013) at Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT), New Delhi, ranked amongst Top 10 Business Schools in India. In addition, he served as an Advisor to Punjab Technical University for setting up School of Foreign Languages and Center for Language Innovation, and currently, he is a member of advisory board of Ministry of Information Technology, Government of India involved in a project set up under the directives of the Supreme Court of India for developing translation tools in Legal domain. 

Also, Mr. Kumar attended one year Ph.D. Level specialized course in Translation Studies at the University of Ottawa, Canada (2013-2014). He is a seasoned translator and interpreter, who has even worked as Simultaneous Interpreter for Prime Minister, President as well as Vice President and Foreign Minister of India.

Apart from being a specialist in the legal and commercial domain in translation and Interpretation for English <> Hindi, Spanish<>English Portuguese>English language pairs, Mr. Kumar has played a leadership role in uniting translators of India. As the Founder President of the Indian Translators Association,  Mr. Kumar has been actively involved in promoting translation as an Industry. He was elected in Shanghai in 2008 as Council Member of the International Federation of Translators connecting more than 110 associations of the world coming from 72 countries. Mr. Kumar is also Co-Founder of The Association of AsianTranslation Industry, Bangkok and India representative for International Medical Interpreters Association, USA and he has been given special recognition by BhashaIndia (Indic language division of Microsoft India) for contribution and promotion of localization and translation activities in Indian languages in India.

Mr. Ravi Kumar is Serial Entrepreneur and Founder of Modlingua Group, a leading translation company with 500 clients spread across the globe. In addition, Mr. Kumar has founded Hindi Center, a translation and research center that connects more than 10000 Hindi experts, Indian Diaspora, Indologists, Media professionals and researchers across the globe. Mr. Kumar also owns HRLINGUA a language job portal and HISPANICINDIA, a networking site that connects India with Spain and Latin America.

Mr. Kumar has been regularly organizing national as well as International Conferences to promote language and translation industry of India, the last one being International Conference on Translation, Technology and Globalization in Multilingual Context, organized in close cooperation with Spanish Cultural Centre and Punjab Technical University June 23-26, 2012, New Delhi.

Mr. Kumar has presented more than 30 research papers and keynote speeches on language, translation, entrepreneurship, social media, and Indian culture and society. He has also supervised more than 300 research papers at MBA level on various themes related to Spain and Latin American Countries.

Mr. Kumar has also edited a series of books on translation studies including Role of Translation in Nation Building, Joy of Translating Indian Literature, Theoretical and Empirical Approaches to Translation, Machine Tools and Translation Processes respectively.

In addition, Mr. Kumar regularly writes for a series of National as well as International journals and Magazines including Diplomatists, Academic Press, American Journal of Translators, Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR), Institute of Translating and Interpreting (ITI), London, Management Kompass, and Inttranews etc.

Mr. Kumar has a special interest in Entrepreneurship, Social Media, Networking, Digital Marketing, Web development, Terminology Management and research related to legal translation and Business school of translation and Interpreting.  

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