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Aman Sharma

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Aman Sharma

aman sharmaI am the student of humanities with Masters in English and PG Diploma in translation, designated as Hindi Translator, an employee under Government of India, engaged in translational work of official matters, correspondence and administrative meetings of Government of India, Ministry of Defence, Southern Command, Defence Estates, Secunderabad. Also, I did add-on courses to excel and adapt into the competency of the languages like Hindi & English, attending seminars, training sessions conducted by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Dept. of Official Language, conducting workshops for the Govt. Officials to increase the spectrum of Indian Official Language, Hindi. I have a high aspiration to upgrade, excel and to learn more.  

Career Goals

Career and its goals are the two very important phases of one’s life. Therefore, it is best to choose the best within one’s limit. Career should not be over-looked by the students because it is the thing that reflects throughout the life and frame-up the foundation for the future also. So, it is being essentially required to be aware, awaken and full of enthusiasm to aspire for the best career option thereby the best output after hitting the target. It should also keep in mind that one must not lose heart or patience when come across with the failure because failures are the pillars of success and sometimes success comes to you after several turns.     

Aman Sharma is a Summer Intern 2018 at Modlingua, New Delhi