Srishti Sood

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Srishti  Sood

SrishtiCurrently pursuing B.A. English Hons from Delhi University and Diploma in French language from St. Stephens college, Srishti has an immense passion for learning foreign languages. She is always found listening to random songs of different languages and a fanatic fan of Korean culture.  

She spends all her time in reading books, articles and listening to music which only increases her understanding of French language but also helps in keeping in touch with the dynamics of the language. At Modlingua, she is trying to expand her knowledge into a more professional aspect of it and learning more about translation work in English and French. 

She is a self-motivated person and aims to work in French someday as a Cultural Interpreter and Linguistic Expert.

Career Goals

Since my schooling days, a passion and desire for languages were always rushing into me. being from Delhi, a multicultural yet Hindi speaking state I used to wonder how my Bengali, South Indian and Punjabi neighbours (shifted house several times and therefore had golden chance of meeting many people) were felt so comfortable and homey in between their conversations in vernacular, and I, just simply enjoyed that pleasure of listening to them. Maturing with my blurry goal of doing something in the domain of languages, I started to explore it with practical things like reading newspaper, watching chat-shows etc. 

I completed my high school with commerce stream which gave me the best lessons of my life. through it. I learnt the necessity of being dynamic with the current surroundings and the ways to connect theoretical knowledge with the practical world. Taking the roles of group leaders, narrator etc gave me the confidence to face audience anytime. Luckily, I got the chance of being Commerce Club President (2015-2016) and managing the commerce festival- Synergy 2016 on my own as a student representative. This phase sharpened my communication skills and confidence to take it to another level.

I'm an avid chatter and completely talkative person. connecting to more and more people is my most enjoyable hobby. Being able to speak and communicate my ideas to others makes me feel like a more natural self. 

Two years in the graduation is the best ongoing time of my life as I got the course I wanted, i.e. English language and Literature (Hons) and simultaneously I'm in the second year of French language learning course. The interlinked cultural and linguistic history of these languages are complementary not only to each other but also for me as the knowledge of French language helps me in understanding texts of say, 14th and 16th century easily and secondly, I can read those texts originally without the translated versions.

For the present, my goals are to get experiences from as many fields as it is possible until my graduation. I'm sure of the domain I want to work in, i.e. communication sector. I envision myself as an orator dealing with various languages and tons of people, sharing and exchanging knowledge with them.

For a human mind, I believe any horizon can be created with efforts, will and consistency. To me, it means learning so many languages that so I can travel the world independently.

Srishti  Sood is a Summer Intern 2018 at Modlingua