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ariannaHi! I’m Arianna from Rome, Italy and I’m 24 years old. I’m currently pursuing the Master Degree in Translation from University Unint. I’m studying French, English and Russian and I love exploring new sounds, new horizons! Travelling and discovering new cultures is the best for me.

Now I’m working in a newsroom here in Rome, it was really interesting, very challenging and inspiring. I definitely love writing, it’s the only way to succeed to express my inner self.

I’m a self-motivated student who thinks that life and work is the expression of our soul. Everything I do, I do with passion and determination.

Career Goals

For as long as I remember, I have always wanted to see the world outside my window, I have always wanted to push past my borders and explore the world. These words describe who I am, I am the one who has decided to focus on my dreams, on my passions, on the love for writing poems, short stories, on the love for translation, that is another way to process my love for writing.

I got my high school diploma in classical studies, this kind of studies gave me the opportunity to discover the great Greek and Roman art, culture, literature and philosophy. During high school I even got the chance to spend a month in London, to learn and improve my English. In London, I managed to reach the B2 level in the English language.

When I was 18 I decided to attend the Faculty of Foreign Languages at University Sapienza in Rome. It has definitively been the best time of my life. I had the chance to know a lot of people, meet different cultures. Everything I have done in these years improved my skills and made me the person I’ve become. There I studied French, Russian and English languages and at the age of 21 I won a scholarship to study in Moscow for 4 months. It has been amazing, there I learned a lot of things about Russian culture.

When I was 22 I got my bachelor’s degree in Linguistic and Intercultural Mediation and I began a master’s degree in Translation. Surely this is an important experience, that is helping me to pursue my goals and to make my dreams reality. I want to become a journalist and dedicate myself to writing.

Beside this, I am highly passionate about dogs, music, all forms of art, theatre, reading and travelling around the world.

Arianna is a Summer Intern 2018 at Modlingua