Ankita Kumari

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Ankita Kumari

ankitaAnkita Kumari is currently pursuing her B.A.(Hons) IInd year in Spanish from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi with top-notch academic records. She has done her schooling from Loreto Convent and Delhi Public School in Ranchi. Ankita wishes to accomplish her goals through her hard work and dedication. She wishes to remain committed to whatever she is doing. She has actively participated in various social, cultural and commercial events happening around her which has broadened her perspectives and encouraged her to set up definite goals for herself and work upon them. She represented JNU, at the Annual Cultural Celebrations, at The Embassy of the Republic of Guatemala, where she got to actively engage with their citizens and perform a variety of activities, which provided her with a prominent insight into their lifestyle. She has also volunteered for the VIth International Conference on Hispanism held in JNU. Ankita is an avid reader and a music lover. With her genuine interest in the education sector, she is keen on serving the underprivileged of the society in whatever way possible. She has already started working on it. Ankita has served as a teacher in the coaching classes held by JNU for entrance exams for underprivileged students aspiring to become a part of JNU.

Career Goals

Future is a realm of unknown space, constantly awaiting our arrival with each passing of a second. “

I always wanted to do something different in life so I opted for language learning. I took Spanish as my graduation course and came to Jawaharlal Nehru University, one of the highest-ranking universities in India and in the world.I’ve also taken French and Human Rights as my optional courses. The United Nations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, India and the Embassies have always intrigued me to become a part of it. I came to realise that embarking on these courses would best suit my compassion. I have an innate desire to help and care for people. I plan to actively engage students, community members, policymakers, and other educational stakeholders. I believe that the educational experiences of university students should be intellectually stimulating and professionally constructive. I wish to get a good platform where I can utilize my skills and knowledge for the organization and be a successful person in my both personal and professional lives.

Presently, this internship will provide me with a wide variety of practical hands-on experiences and the valuable didactic training that I need to be successful. It'll help me fulfil my long-term goals.

Ankita Kumari is a Summer Intern 2018 at Modlingua