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 Time management and quality control Modlingua rubric

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By Aleksandra Kneifel
Prompt: Explain the importance of time management in content writing from the content writer's perspective, editor's perspective as well from the management's perspective. How will you use Modlingua Rubric to improve efficiency at a workplace?
 Time management and quality control as keys to successful content writing
 “Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.”
-Paul J. Meyer
 Every creative effort begins with an original idea. In terms of professional content creation for a specific prompt, there is another crucial factor to consider: time management. The objective of time management is always increased productivity - to get more done in a shorter amount of time. However, this cannot be reduced to just planning when one works, but also understanding the best ways to work. Productivity “…doesn’t just happen on its own,” as Paul J. Meyer, the founder of the Success Motivation Institute said. Instead, there are very specific things that need to be done to create productivity. That means becoming self-aware of what work drives the biggest results, blocking out external distractions, and scheduling the right work at the right time. Additionally, quality control at the end of the process is a decisive step prior to the submission of any content.
            Looking at the workflow of any company (from the writer, through the editor, to management), time management is an important factor for all parties concerned. However, the argument could be made that it is most essential for the ‘root’ of the process – the writer. Let’s look at a local example– the submission of work during the Modlingua internship. If an intern (the writer) does not manage their time wisely and either does not submit their work or submits it late, this then has an impact on the time management of the volunteers that check said assignments (in this example, the editors). This in turn has an impact on the management (Mr. Ravi Kumar in this case), as he is unable to approve the publishing of articles on time, which causes delays for the whole program. Time management, therefore, is key in content creation. It is important to not only allow enough time for the writing of an article or the actual translation, but the schedule should also leave sufficient time for the editing process.
The Modlingua Rubric establishes the basic checklist that any self-respecting content writer or translator needs to follow in order to submit quality work. Once a piece of writing or a translation has been completed, the logical next step is to ensure its quality, by editing and proofreading it. The Modlingua Rubric is an example of a quality control tool that has been designed to help writers edit and proofread their work prior to submission. The ten points established in it (Articles, punctuation, omissions, spelling, word choice, fact-checking, consistency, grammar, sentence structure, and formatting) allow the writer to edit their own work and enable the editors and management to streamline the publication process. Given of course that the writer has managed their time well enough to do so!

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