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Stuti Joshi 

A Multilinguist or a bilinguist is a person who is proficient in many languages or two languages respectively.  In today’s scenario, being a multilinguist is the trend of society.
Citizen journalism is the work of journalism done by the general public at large. A citizen journalist may not be a professional person having mass communication degrees in his kitty but any common person who gathers and reports news by using social media platforms. A citizen who is well versed in using social interaction tools of modern Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat, etc may use his talent as a citizen journalist. There are around 4,000 languages spoken in the world and half of the people in the world at least speak two or more languages. Most of the continents are multilingual continents. This multilingualism often develops in language and cultural conflicts. A citizen journalist may play a  pivotal role in getting the core of the news by using his multilinguist skills and by spreading justified news of the society without any exaggeration. Some of the societies are greatly monolingual such as West  Germany and Japan but a multilinguist has a role to play here also by providing insight into the cultural activities of these small groups from other countries which are very few in number but powerful in a socio-economic sense.

As a multilinguist, the person may bring different cultures and societies in close proximity and by understanding inner values and intricacies of different societies. He may understand their cultural values and ethics in a better way and bring forth the news on relevant platforms for benefit of the general public and concerned societies at large. Normally multilinguists may use their communication skills to analyze and observe happenings and events of the community in which he wishes to gather news or may want to get insight into their daily situations and events.

A citizen journalist with multilingual skills can use his knowledge in many different ways, he may be a translator or interpreter in providing news to the communities and electronic media world. He can maintain peaceful and cordial relations between the two different communities and bring a change in their life by adding some useful information through news dissemination.

One can help a person who does not know English or any other language except his mother tongue by understanding his needs, sentiments, and thoughts in his own native language and translating his aspirations in social networking sites by using one’s proficiency in different languages.
A citizen journalist must convey the message of love and compassion by using multilinguistic skills and making this world a better and comfortable place to live in.

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