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Help others and keep growing

Hits: 990

ByAniket Kulkarni

Since childhood, we are always told that helping others is the most important deed one can do in his/her life. Our parents, teachers, always highlight the fact that there's always a special joy that comes from helping others. But giving is so much more than it. In today's world, everybody is busy making money, pursuing relentlessly their goals and earn more money. Many of us are just too busy to think about the importance of giving back.  Each person has its own definition of "success" and each one has its own ways to become successful. But what is success really? 

Success comes from helping others. It is often said that acquiring knowledge, having loads of money, are the keys to living a successful life, but actually the act of giving, doing charity work, are the most important things which make you successful in life. Helping can be of any kind. Even if the smallest bit of help can add value to others' lives, then you are one step closer to be successful.  I think the act of giving is like a soft skill that drives your success at the workplace as well. If one wants to improve his/her skills or climb up the hierarchy ladder, the more he helps his peers can be the key. Because helping others is like helping yourself as well. Using a skill you have to help someone who would benefit from it can boost your sense of well-being. A simple "How can I help?" can boost others' morale. 

When we learn to help others, it can boost your determination and it makes you feel like you just want to keep going. The best way to learn new skills or to hone the ones you have is to apply them in real life and use them to help others in good causes. It might as well help you to look at life from a different perspective, and when you take these skills into the working space, it automatically improves your effectiveness and makes you successful. It is a win-win situation for everyone. Moreover, you can foster a sense of responsibility by giving a helping hand in society. The skills that you learned can be thus applied in your professional life which will in return help you to achieve everything you've wanted. Just think how far your kindness will go towards building trust, relationships, enhancing your reputation and thus becoming successful and making more money.

Although, it is easier said than done. Motivation plays an important role in any endeavor you take up in your life. The beauty of life lies in the challenges you face and how you deal with them. Even if you have failed before, it is important to learn from it and move forward. Each day is a new beginning with lots of challenges waiting ahead. The important thing is not giving up and facing them, as success is just lurking behind them. 

Thus to conclude, I would say that helping others with your skills and starting afresh every day are the important points to live a successful life.

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