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Never let your failure dominate you

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By Rishav Aryan

In a small village, there was a group of several children. They all used to play daily in the evening. There was a small jungle in which there were lots of mangos trees. One day they all decided that they will be visiting those trees and will spend a day while eating those mangos and playing. A few days later, they were going to those mangos trees. There was not any proper path to reach over there and on that very day there was heavy rainfall. Since it was very slippery, two of them fell into a deep pit. When the other children crowded around the pit and saw how deep it was, they told the two children that there was no hope left for them.

However, the two of them decided to ignore what the others were saying and they proceeded to try and jump out of the pit. Despite their efforts, the group of children at the top of the pit was still saying that they should just give up. That they would never make it out. Eventually, one of the children took heed to what the others were saying and he gave up. The other child continued to jump as hard as he could. 

Again, the crowd of children at the top of the pit yelled at him to stop the pain and just give up. He jumped even harder and finally made it out. When he got out, one of the children at the top asked, “Did you not hear us?” The child explained to them that he was deaf. He thought that they were encouraging him the entire time.

The child that succeeded to come out of the pit shows us that we should never be disappointed by our failure because only those who dare to fail greatly can achieve greatly. When people laugh on our failure and demotivate us, we must take it as an opportunity to show them “who you are and what you can achieve”. As the boy was totally deaf for their advice to give up and could hear what other children were saying, he easily succeeded to save his life.