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Helping others means helping ourselves

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By Ishita Barthwal

In his book Winning with People, Dr. John C. Maxwell talks about the Boomerang Principle, which says that “when we help others, we help ourselves.” Even when there is no direct return of investment or in other words, we won’t get anything concrete or we are not benefiting by helping others but there is a sense of happiness that we humans feel by helping others. A sense of achievement as a human being as a part of the society that we feel, one may also say that the joy and fulfillment of coaching far surpass any financial reward we may earn.

One of the most valuable outcomes from coaching people is that you also develop yourself in the process of coaching we also brush up and enhance our skills that we are imparting. Me myself being a language enthusiast, I feel that if I teach someone the person who is getting the most benefit is myself, by teaching someone I am continuously polishing my skills and also imparting my knowledge and also gaining more wisdom. It is the genuine passion and intention to grow others that motivates us to transform ourselves. To develop others, we have to first develop ourselves and to continuously change others, we can’t help but continuously transform ourselves. Naturally, before we coach someone we first make sure we have a clear knowledge of the respective field on our part, we learn, we prepare, and we reflect on how we can be a worthy coach. After we impart our knowledge we make sure to analyze our skills analyze the process that we just went through, what went right, what went wrong, what can we improve, on what should we work more on. We continuously keep on evolving into a better version of ourselves. This development further leads us to become better leaders, parents, partners, etc. The author of, Thomas G. Crane, postulated that in many ways, being a good coach for the people who work with you makes you a better leader because the ability to coach and develop people has come to be accepted as one of the major proficiency of a good leader. If you are a leader who effectively coaches others, you grow your people. When that happens, they produce better results; this, in turn, brings you and your organization to a higher level of success. When you coach a lot of people in your company, and they see the great value that you bring, this motivates them to become coaches too. This creates a cycle that continues to go on. It helps create a culture of coaching and skill excellence throughout the entire organization. You and your organization both are benefiting.

Just as we saw in the video the mindset of helping others will always lead you to a successful and more healthy and happy life. Just as our esteemed seniors, coordinators, managers are constantly trying to help us to polish our skills they are in turn also polishing their own skills and at the end, both the parties are trying to make the most of the opportunity given. The only way you can grow is when you keep on adding some value to somebody’s life, you either make things easier for somebody or speed up somebody’s work, all this will, in the end, lead you to a more successful life. Great things never happen to someone who only thinks of themselves rather it happens to someone who is willing to make a change, an impact on the life of everyone around them.

Ishita is a Summer Intern at Modlingua Certified Translation and Training Company

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