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Surya Sen the unsung heroes of Indian history

Hits: 2247

By Aman kushwaha

An unsung hero is a person who has done something heroic but is not widely recognized for the effort. In the olden days, poets wrote epics to tell the story of heroes. This was sometimes called singing the praises” of the heroes because poems could be turned into songs or ballads. People who had done heroic deeds became famous through the poems or the songs. An unsung hero, by contrast, doesn’t get much attention. Often people talk about firefighters, police officers, or rescue workers as unsung heroes. They save people’s lives and carry out brave feats, but it’s just part of their job, and they don’t get any special attention for it.

During the last decade of the 19th century, Indians citizens started to realize that the Britishers are in India for permanent settlement, not for their business venture. As we know that the Britishers ruled over India for around 250 years, just in the name of spice export business to Europe and after then they slowly captured the whole Indian subcontinent by defeating the strong kingdoms. But soon after seeing the absolute barbaric treatment on Indian citizens who were asking for their basic rights, the whole nation started to build their local forces on the ground level. As a result of this many Indians came to centre politics, who became national figures later on in the future such as Subash Chandra Ghosh, Mahatma Gandhi, Bhagat Singh, and many others. One of them, A man from the eastern side of India came into the mainstream to revolt against the Britishers was Surya Sen also known as Master Da. He was the first person from Bengal who started as a very destructive movement against the Brtish Empire, such as he was the mastermind of armour stealing in city Chittagong from the infantry and they also hoisted the National flag thereafter the robbery. A total of 64 revolutionaries was involved in this incident and later this movement was recalled as Chittagong Uprising, with the armoury that they stole from the Britishers they used to attack the Government personnel and tried to harm their property. Many Bengalis started to recruit than in their group because it was a time when India was sensing the real absolute nationalism. He was a big figure back then in the Bengal Province. But the after the World war-1 the Britishers became very aggressive and started to jail anyone who is against their reign, Soon after the end of world-1 in 1919, he was caught by the British forces and was sent to the Dhaka cellular jail, where he was tortured brutally and later on he was released in the year 1926 after the imprisonment for 2 years. Later, in the 1930s, after the raid of Chittagong where they killed 80 British soldiers, in which his 12 revolutionary teammates sacrificed their life, then got caught in 1933 where he was sentenced to death and was hanged. His heroics, efforts, views were faded away as the time went on and the basic reason behind it was that after the independence his side was in West Pakistan, where they hardly gave importance to their freedom fighters.

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