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Evolving languages through literal translation

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The selected English text is being taken from the novel “The Secret”, a best-selling 2006 self-help book by Rhonda Byrne, who is an Australian television writer and producer.
The Secret is a documentary film, viewed by millions across the planet. Later, the author followed with The Secret book, a worldwide bestseller available in more than 50 languages with over 34 million copies in print.
No one can tell you whether you are feeling good or bad, because you are the only one who knows how you're feeling at any time. If you're not sure how you're feeling, just ask yourself, “How I am feeling?” You can stop and ask this question often during the day, and as you do you will become more aware of how you're feeling.
The most important thing for you to know is that it is impossible to feel bad and at the same time be having good thoughts. That would defy the law because your thoughts cause your feelings. If you are feeling bad, it is because you are thinking thoughts that are making you feel bad.
Personne ne peut vous dire si vous vous sentez bien ou mal, car vous êtes le seul à savoir à tout moment comment vous vous sentez. Si vous n'êtes pas sûr de ce que vous ressentez, demandez-vous simplement: "Comment je me sens?" Vous pouvez vous arrêter et poser cette question souvent pendant la journée, et comme vous le faites vous deviendrez plus conscient de ce que vous ressentez.
La chose la plus importante à savoir pour vous est qu'il est impossible de se sentir mal et d'avoir en même temps de bonnes pensées. ce serait défier la loi, parce que vos pensées provoquent vos sentiments. Si vous vous sentez mal, c'est parce que vous pensez à des pensées qui vous font vous sentir mal.
I used this strategy because I believe it can make the languages evolve. The literal translations of foreign phrases and idioms can enter a language and become part of its lexicon. Words like “gentleman” and “flea market” entered English as literal translations from French but are now considered regular English words. 
This way we can establish a connection between different languages which inturn enthrall us to bud our knowledge for other languages too.
• Learning a new language- With literal translation, one can learn a new set of the vocabulary of another language by manually translating each and every word of the source language. This enhances our strength over the vocabulary of the target language and gives us the best learning experience.
Holistic- This type of translation teaches you new words, but also grammar, as one can defer the grammatical forms of words from their literal meaning. So, it teaches sentence structures, it teaches language as a story, most of the time it even teaches communication occurring in the stories, and it also teaches some culture most probably.
Boosts vocabulary expansion-  One can learn new words 10 to 100 times faster than any other method. Even online dictionaries won't be as fast as good old manual translation as they teach us everything slowly and with perfection.
Any type of translation is incomplete without having cons which is evident:
Erroneous words-  It is often a laborious job to match words of the source language in the target language. Every language has its own vocabulary. So, while performing literal translation, sometimes, we choose an inappropriate word to convey the proper meaning of the source text. This leads to a mismatch of words between different languages.
Absence of individuality and originality of text- Every language has its own structure to frame a sentence along with its vocabulary. While translating, there is a possibility of losing this character. For example, a text originally written in English, it is translated into french, often loses its sense, meaning, and message that it wants to convey from the source text.
Time-consuming- A text is not always lucid to comprehend and to interpret its meaning within a fraction of seconds. So, it takes many hours to complete translation from one language into another.
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