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The coronavirus crisis and salary cut

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By Aman Kushwaha

The selected text is from the French newspaper Le Monde which is very famous all over the world as well as in France. The text discusses the basic concern which the commercial and government employees will face after the Corona pandemic crisis.


Baisser son salaire, rogner sur ses congés payés, oublier primes et treizième mois… Pour éviter une vague de licenciements liée à la crise du Covid-19, Emmanuel Macron a rappelé, mardi 14 juillet, qu’il était favorable à une réorganisation du travail afin de relancer l’économie. « Je préfère au maximum qu’il y ait des salaires qu’on accepte de momentanément baisser plutôt que des licenciements, parce que, parfois, on met des années à revenir vers un emploi », a déclaré le président de la République, qui a lancé début juin une concertation avec les partenaires sociaux pour « sauver l’emploi ». 

Sans attendre les conclusions de cette concertation, plusieurs entreprises ont déjà pris des mesures concernant l’emploi, comme chez Derichebourg, filiale d’Airbus, où il a été demandé aux salariés de baisser leur salaire de 20 %. Les entreprises ont également été autorisées à se pencher plus arbitrairement qu’à l’accoutumée sur la répartition des congés annuels. De nombreux employeurs sont tentés de les limiter à deux semaines consécutives cet été. Chez PSA, quatre syndicats sur cinq ont validé, début avril, l’accord qui a diminué de trois à deux semaines consécutives les congés d’été.Pour sauver votre emploi, vous avez accepté une baisse de votre salaire, une réduction de vos congés ou une suppression de vos primes ? Racontez-nous. Qu’est-ce qui vous a incité à accepter ces changements ? Comment l’avez-vous vécu ? Quelles sont les répercussions de ces mesures ? En quoi cela a-t-il changé votre quotidien et vos projets d’avenir ? Pensez-vous qu’un retour à la normale sera possible ?

Votre témoignage pourra être utilisé dans le cadre d’un article à paraître dans Le Monde. N’oubliez pas de saisir une adresse électronique ou le numéro d’un téléphone que vous consultez souvent, afin que nous puissions vous contacter pour vous demander des précisions. Votre témoignage pourra être publié anonymement si vous le souhaitez.


Lowering his salary, cutting back on paid vacation, forgetting bonuses, and thirteenth month ... To avoid a wave of layoffs linked to the Covid-19 crisis, Emmanuel Macron recalled on Tuesday, July 14 that he was in favor of a reorganization of work in order to revive the economy. "I prefer to the maximum that there are wages that we accept to temporarily lower rather than dismissals because sometimes it takes years to return to a job," said the President of the Republic, who launched in early June a consultation with the social partners to "save jobs".

Without waiting for the conclusions of this consultation, several companies have already taken measures concerning employment, such as at Derichebourg, an Airbus subsidiary, where employees were asked to lower their wages by 20%. Businesses have also been allowed to take a more arbitrary look at the allocation of vacation leave than usual. Many employers are tempted to limit them to two consecutive weeks this summer. At PSA, four out of five unions validated the agreement in early April, which cut summer leave from three to two weeks in a row.

To save your job, did you accept a cut in your salary, a reduction in your leave, or a reduction in your bonuses? Tell us. What made you want to accept these changes? How did you experience it? What are the repercussions of these measures? How has this changed your daily life and your plans for the future? Do you think a return to normal will be possible?

Your testimony may be used as part of an article to appear in Le Monde. Remember to enter an email address or phone number that you visit often so that we can contact you for clarification. Your testimony can be published anonymously if you wish.


In this text, I got to learn various new words and learned how to translate the source text into the targeted language. In this the basic and very main points which I have learned during my 4th semester during the translation we must not change the literal meaning of the words. The Economical terms, the policies, employees' welfare which the French government planning to give to their commercial and government employees.


I really had to care about the original text, that I must not change the literal meaning, the meaning of the words, or the sentiments. Many words were hard which I have to learn yet so I had to search it out on my own and placed it in the translated text.


In interpretation contemplates numerous scholars have utilized the term interpretation techniques broadly yet with some extensive contrasts in the importance and the point of view from which they take a gander at it. A rundown of progressively broad meanings of the word system is given underneath:

A technique is a drawn-out arrangement of activities intended to accomplish a specific objective.

  • A deliberate arrangement, intentionally adjusted and referenced, to improve one's learning execution.
  • A technique is an arranged, purposeful, objective situated strategy accomplished with a grouping of steps subject to checking and alteration.
  • A lot of express mental and conduct steps used to accomplish a particular result.
  • Obviously, these definitions are general and can be identified with various fields of study. This investigation primarily concerns interpretation systems, in spite of the fact that the previously mentioned definitions can be limited to this exploration field, too. Interpretation procedures have their own attributes, through which one can increase a proper comprehension of them.

As a rule, an interpreter utilizes a technique when s/he experiences an issue while deciphering a book; this implies, when an interpreter interprets a book actually, interpretation methodologies may not be required. Bergen makes reference to that systems are not clear and paltry. Despite the fact that, when they interpret in exactly the same words and utilize a word reference, tenderfoots in the territory of interpretation think they have made a decent interpretation; they don't comprehend that a difficult despite everything exists and changes must be made at certain degrees of the interpretation. Consequently, critical thinking is the most significant capacity of methodologies.

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