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Jamsetji:Literal Translation of an Autobiography

Hits: 1108

By Intern Urja Shah

Source Text

देश के औद्योगिक विकास में योगदान

देश के औद्योगिक क्षेत्र में जमशेदजी का असाधारण योगदान है। इन्होंने भारत में औद्योगिक विकास की नीवं उस समय डाली जब देश गुलामी की जंजीरों से जकड़ा था और उद्योग-धंधे स्थापित करने में अंग्रेज ही कुशल समझे जाते थे। भारत के औद्योगीकरण के लिए उन्होंने इस्पात कारखानों की स्थापना की महत्वपूर्ण योजना बनाई। उनकी अन्य बड़ी योजनाओं में पश्चिमी घाटों के तीव्र धाराप्रपातों से बिजली उत्पन्न करने की योजना (जिसकी नींव 8 फ़रवरी 1911 को रखी गई) भी शामिल है।

इन विशाल योजनाओं की परिकल्पना के साथ-साथ उन्होंने बंबई में शानदार ताजमहल होटल खड़ा किया जो उनके राष्ट्रवाद को दर्शाता है।

एक सफल उद्योगपति और व्यवसायी होने के साथ-साथ जमशेदजी बहुत ही उदार प्रवित्ति के व्यक्ति थे इसलिए उन्होंने अपने मिलों और उद्योगों में काम करने वाले मजदूरों और कामगारों के लिए कई कल्याणकारी नीतियाँ भी लागू की। इसी उद्देश्य से उन्होंने उनके लिए पुस्तकालयों, पार्कों, आदि की व्यवस्था के साथ-साथ मुफ्त दवा आदि की सुविधा भी उन्हें प्रदान की।

 Literal Translation (Hindi to English)

Contribute to the country's industrial development

Jamsetji has an extraordinary contribution to the industrial sector of the country. He laid the foundation for industrial development in India at a time when the country was clutched with the chains of slavery, and the British were considered to be skilled in establishing industries. He made essential plans to set up steel factories for the industrialization of India. His other big plans include the scheme to generate electricity from the intense fluids of the Western Ghats (the foundation of which was laid on 8 February 1911).

Along with the vision of these vast plans, he built the magnificent Taj Mahal Hotel in Bombay, which reflects his nationalism.

Along with being a successful industrialist and businessman, Jamsetji was a person of a very liberal nature, so he also implemented many welfare policies for laborers and workers working in their mills and industries. For this purpose, they provided them with facilities of libraries, parks, etc. as well as free medicines, etc.

 Strategy Used

The strategy used is the Literal Translation strategy or metaphrase. This means a word-to-word translation from one language into another. It is done by translating each word separately, rather than giving a sense of the original. The use of this strategy is not recommended and this has just been used for this assignment.


The Pros and Cons of this strategy


  • The literal translation is easier and quick
  • It provides a good understanding of the text


  • It is the word-to-word translation and at times, this doesn't cover the entire essence of the text
  • Depending upon the quality of the text, tone, and sentence structure, it can be difficult to translate and interpret every word



The title 'देश के औद्योगिक विकास में योगदान' when literally translated means 'contribute to the country's industrial development,' whereas the text actually means a contribution to thcountry's industrial development.  Similarly, there were other words which when used in the literal translation didn't make sense or didn't convey the meaning properly.

I would say that literal translation may work at times, but it won't most of the other times as it may not be able to convey the exact meaning.

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