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A Multilingual journalist

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Mohd Kashif

Internet plays a very important role in the transfer of information from different portals to others, with the rise of social media like facebook and whatsapp, the information are travelling at much faster rate, our newsfeed has become modern newspapers which covers every topic that newspaper used to cover but also gives us a chance to comment, inquire and appreciate and form opinion as well. In the epoque of technoligical advancement technologies like web 2.0 has empowered everyone to input their ideas and thoughts and do comparative studies on the Internet.

If I start to work as a multilinguist citizen journalist I can make a change for the better in the society, for instance, If a socio-economic policy of some city requires people to dump their electronic garbage in some place which can be amassed and used by different engineers to build things that can be used again, and if all this information is in a different language, I can translate it and make this idea available for a lot of people in my city to think and work on something like that, it is very important to uderstand that we need diverse opinions from around the world.

As a multilinguist I can help different classes of people to connect with each other, thus helping two groups to share same information with equality. Being a multilinguist citizen journalist I can translate things that touches every mind and soul, beautiful proses and poetries, written by different individuals, literary masterpiece, new research studies and various other subjects as well, If someone knows Hindi, he can read all the translated articles from different corner of the world which will help him/her to develop their personality and be more connected to different culture and society, which is at the end of the day is really important in the global advancement in connectivity and communication.

It is important to state it as well, no journalism without morality and ethics can be perfect. Citizen Journalism is very much needed since big corporate media houses are selling ignorance and feeding people with information that are most of the times not credible, since corporation has capital, with capital a lot of things can be easily manipulated. In this case, we should keep in my CItizen journalism is very much independant and risky job as well, if citizen journalist is a multilinguist he can also compare the things with different country and culture which he knows about, to have more clear study regarding a subject.

However, it's important to keep in mind nothing can be achieved without rigorous hardwork and efficient learning.

Writer Mohd Kashif is French and English Language and Translation Intern at Modlingua, India's No1. certified translation and Language service providers based in New Delhi

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