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importance of multilinguals and polyglots

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Tahzibul Hasan

Multilinguist, a polyglot, Speaker of multiple languages who is well versed in many languages and knows the geographical conditions, culture and traditions and law of that specific region/country. Being multilingual is an advantage and gives exposure and takes us to the next level. A multilingual is assumed as an insider of another culture which makes him different. Knowing too many languages is a power to think in different ways so one interacts with foreigners, gets more depth knowledge by native citizen of that country which enhanced his knowledge about that particular region/country. He is the only one who understands all the things related to the both countries. Precisely, he understands all key factors which affects the society of both region, he plays a pivotal role. he sees what is happening around him and seeks to find the root cause of things and try to elaborate in other language by using best ideas and thoughts which are prevailed and conceived amongst that specific country’s men, filling all the gaps and making bridge between two countries makes him different in the society. He is the intruder and revealer who gets people close to each other, making them familiar and establishes relations between two people who are different by races, creeds, ethnicity .These are the things which is only done by a multilinguist.

As a citizen journalist, we can help to people who are connected to us on a social media platform. Like I said above if a multilingual can do all those things to make society better so on social media we as a citizen journalist should always be ready to do spread all crucial news and information to make them aware. In our life many incidents happened some are very horrible which should be shown to the world to make it stop. It’s our liability as a human to do so. Incidents always happen, everywhere and these are not just incidents. It’s a lesson to learn life how can we make it better for us and our upcoming generations so we should see and observed all things and try to elaborate it to others who are not capable to understand it. Being a multilingual it gets a liability in that matter where a person can’t understand incidents without knowing that specific language. So as a human, citizen journalist and as a multilingual we look forward to help all the humans. Here I want to finish with a beautiful poetry of shiek Saadi

“Human beings are members of a whole, in creation of one essence and soul.

If one member is afflicted with pain , others members uneasy will remain.

If you have no sympathy for human pain,

The name of human you cannot retain”.

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Writer Tahzibul Hasan is Persian and English Language and Translation Intern at Modlingua, India's No1. certified translation and Language service providers based in New Delhi

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