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Lessons from Ants Network

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Sahenur begumSahenur

The image of ants show that the strong bonding among ants to work together in order toachieve something great.  In order to achieve something substantial in life, you must align yourself with others who can help propel you to another level.

Ants serve one another

Living for just yourself is a lonely existence. Serving people goes that one step further and asks ‘what can I do for you?’ You start to live beyond yourself and purposefully contribute positively to others. Ants can seem like one of the most insignificance insects on the planet because of their size. But the colonies they build and the contribution to their society is extremely significant and great.
Networking is very important for a translator to connect with people who speak different languages, from different country through out the world because more number of people you know more you know about the world people ideology as a translator like i am a part of Modlingua networking their i connect with more than 255 people so i am learning a lot of things to be a part of networking its always good to be in touch with people and translator is a profession that requires much more than just skill in order to gain employment. To be recognised in a field that is potentially open to any fluently bilingual person, you more oftenthan not have to go the extra mile in order to get ahead.
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Writer Sahenur Begum is Spanish and English Language Translation Intern at Modlingua, India  No1. certified translation and Language service providers based in New Delhi.
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