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Space of translators in GILT world

Hits: 1421

By Cristina Bejenaru

The formula local-international-global seems to develop over the past years, including more approaches and attitudes broadly researched by political analysts worldwide. 

Currently, the world became a solely social system as a result of interdependence development which directly influences us. Social, economic and political relations crossing the borders of the state are challenging the life of each citizen.
Bearing in mind the multidimensional aspect of globalisation, it is necessary to discover the roots of this chimaera that sniffles the nation’s states and undermines their existence and importance at the beginning of the century.

Before global dimension, we are speaking about internationalisation, either of a product or a tendency. Lots of agreements and treaties were signed in order to cover the international cooperation between states and the exchange of practices, know-how and experience.
The tendency to become international moved forward the states to create various unions, economic forums and multiple forms of economic cooperation around the world.  

Although states networked in order to gain more freedom on the international arena in terms of trade, business, marketplace, migration, international dimension seems to be an intermediary level towards globalisation.

More basic, every process took place, first, at the local level, flourishing national economies and developing properly the countries. Each country searched to be more competitive, attractive and to offer development opportunities to its citizens.
In this light, globalisation is a process and phenomenon, sometimes ambivalent, even contradictory, which has been seen and analysed from different perspectives. Far from these analyses, globalisation remains a real fact existing on the background of a cultural, economic and educational crisis, which obviously challenges the future of the society.

Traditional culture disappears or passes into spectacles and products; humanistic culture is overcome by techno-innovative science. A global person, the person focused on the economy, risks to became the atomised one which lives only for production and out of culture, politics, sense, conscience, or religion. In spite of these warnings, we cannot avoid or eliminate globalisation.
Taking into account the abovementioned, translators are the most challenged dimension, such as it should cover all three levels of the report local-international-global.

But, it seems to be more important the responsibility at the global level. To become a global translator implies hard work and performance, starting obviously with the national or local dimension. Once achieved, a global translator is simultaneous a global communicator, key speaker, leader, a great manager and an influencer. It means, a translator, passing through all these steps become global, powerful and vision-minded.
Currently, as a translator of Romanian/Russian/English pair and intern at Modlingua, I have set my new international level, in order to professionally improve and make a change, upholding the values of freedom, persuasion and involvement.
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