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Web Search Engine

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By Leonardo Faig

Social Media are becoming more and more important for everyone. We are in constant evolution within technology, biotechnology, medicine and so on. The Social Media helps us to receive information way faster than any other type of media. Nowadays, 1,874,136,654 billion people in Asia have internet connection; 636,971,824 million people in Europe; 320,068,243 million people in North America (according to Internet World Stats). Those numbers show the power and efficiency of internet, and that is because we can receive a message instantaneously. Something as important as Social Media is the Web Search Engine.

Web Search Engine is a software that was created to collect and give information to any internet user. When you need (or want) to know something, you can look for it on a Web Search Engine and you will receive some kind of result in seconds. Google Search is by far the most popular Web Search Engine nowadays. It is way powerful than other search engines because they use a Googlebot, a search bot software used by Google to look for any kind of information on internet and add it inside Google’s index on Google Search.

In a perspective of a translator, the web search engines are really important to us, because it is the fastest way to get information and also share information. A lot of translators feed the engine with their work and ideas. The Top Ranking in Google Search shows the hottest things people are looking for on internet. We use this information to check what kind of news or event makes people interested enough to spend time talking about. And since a lot of people can only speak their language, we can adapt information to other cultures. This would be so difficult without the engines, don’t you think?

Now, try to understand: Imagine our world without the search engines. This didn’t make much difference decades ago, but we couldn’t have the simplicity to type some words on the internet and discover a lot of great and interesting content. Thanks to the engines, we can develop groups of discussion (about translation itself and about any topic important to us, so we can work about it), develop other great tools (like CAT Tools and MTs - Machine Translation) and deliver information in other languages to everyone.

Social Media and Web Search Engine complement each other. You can look for information in an environment and share the same information on the other one. This is the meaning of being connected, and connected we can think better and work together.

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