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Translators in the spheres of life

Hits: 1881

By Astha Srivastav

Through the ages we have seen how history has been written by the victors. They are made into heroes even if this not be the case. History is written in all languages and in all cultures as mankind persists. It is this history which is conveyed to others in the world. However, this transmission process is one which is filled with biases and thoughts of those involved and these would be the translators and interpreters. As humans, they too are affected by their thoughts and emotions, to interpretations of an event which may or may not be correct. As such, they are the weakest and also the strongest link in a power play which involves the spheres of life of the citizens of a country.
If taken in the case of a political sphere, then a translator would be privy to the most confidential of information. If this were to be transmitted wrong, it could affect the lives of many. The translation of a text could also convey the relation status of a country with another. This is shown by the two interpretations of Mark Twain's " The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" wherein had intensive racist discourse in comparison to the second as relations with America were strained at that point of time. In other countries certain translations would be chosen over others if they supported certain ideologies like those of communist Romania.
The instances of such occurrences in the cultural sphere are numerous in nature. The sitcoms one watches everyday influence the thinking of people all over the world. The translations of works can show one country as being superior to another with the subtleties and nuances of the target language. The part played by the actors, the lines which need to be changed so as to suit a certain audience when a play is translated are all part of a struggle to show supremacy over another. However, it can also help a small country to come to the forefront if its works are interpreted into a central language.
In the economic sphere, translated goods come under cultural commodities and are marketed as such. Most works are translated from central languages such as English, German and French into peripheral languages Japanese, Spanish, Italian etc. This is because central languages have antiquity and a huge literary capital which is in contrast with the peripheral languages.
Further, the literature being provided to the citizens is of a specific nature. It is what is censored and chosen for the populace. They are provided not only to promote their own country and hide their flaws but also to diminish the values of another country. It is to show that people from one place are better than those from another such as the barbarianism of tribals and the civilised manner of city states.
It also plays a vital role in other matters such as the translation of medical journals. If these are not translated appropriately, they cannot be understood by the target audience, i.e. the patients. The nutritional facts, how one should take care of themselves and other such information which is necessary for a person will be misinterpreted and the patient would not be given proper care. The same goes for doctors who may not understand the articles written in one language and read the translation but do not understand it. It can be fatal towards one's life. Most such journals are translated by doctors who are not trained in doing so and this leads to flaws.
Translation is a transnational tool which is used by countries around the globe to come closer to one another. It is used so that one may showcase one's prowess in various fields but also so that one may be able to become a more global citizen. A country, in order to gain prestige, in order to become more widely known, must in turn create literature which can be read by people all over the world. It must show to the world how well it has progressed, how it has gone further, its history, its plans for the future. It must put forth views and it must also learn how to accept those of other countries. This may not be an easy task but it is one which must be accomplished for one to be able to make a name for themselves.
In conclusion, I would like to say that for translators it is a huge responsibility to convey the emotions and thoughts of an author. This requires not only knowledge but also an intimate understanding of the target audience as well as the source. For translators, being able to transmit these in a precise and brief manner is important. I believe that this is important to bridge the gap between various cultures so as to find the diversities of life. 

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