By Shivani Ambasta
Today freelancing is the best way to use our skills.A good marketplace where we can utilise and enhance our knowledge.You might heard this line"Earning with learning"Freelancing might be refers to be like that.
In this assignment i am going to focus just on three points to make you understand completely and helps you to understand as a freelancer how we can make new clients and retain services to them.
1)What is freelancing
2)How it works
3)How to be in the regular contact with the clients
So here we go with our first point.
What is freelancing:-
A freelancer is one who works under any team or company to pay services to the clients on an regular basis you may analyze it as work on contract for company.Freelancing now a days are available in the field of music and theatre, engineering,medical science,literature and writing,language field.It is non-profit organization in which person works on an independent basis without any peer pressure.
you can find freelance job on there is sites as well:-
Today's era is era of internet which makes our 50% of work easy,rest 50% of work you have to do manually sometimes physically as well.It helps a lot to youth of our country to search job .There are many more place available on internet where you can find job rather than,upwork,internshal.etc.
You can even devlope and promote your own site also.If you are on social networking site like facebook,watsapp,instagram,linkedn etc.You can also look for job here .sometimes i saw many of the pages on facebook page which provide freelance job to the individuals or a group.Till now between all the I saw most of the freelance job on language and culture page,SLS andJNU page and many more here freelancer generally leave a message to contact for freelancing.
Now thequestion arises who can be a freelancer?
Anyone can be freelancer with a specific skills and talents on respective field .
Right now I am 21years old and i am working with the bilingual global company as a freelancer one thing more money are not fixed in freelancing job because when you are working on contract are not able to get fixed amount of salary each and every time.No only money even works are not always available.It depends on the seasonl basis .People usually get trouble in finding the job during the off season .
For doing the freelancing job I did'nt visit on any site .sometimes you dont have to visit on any page or site for freelancing.If you send mail id to some company for providing job in respective field.
If you have good contact with people around you even they can help you to provide the job .I got only through that.
Andyou knowwhat it really alloewsmeto increasemy languageskillsand standards.
Everything has two sides ,here also it has some pros and corns.
The video which is provided on modlingua site related to how as a freelancer you can make your contact better to the clients.In this video Miss Ionna in a very fantastic way discuss a lot about freelancing pros and corns.
I have already discussed about pros like:-
a)Earning with learning
which is applied to irrespective of boundary ,age etc.
b)You can innovate new things in your project each and every time
c)Best place to use your language skills.
Now lets have a look on corns also:-
a)What happen once student get freelancing job then they focus more on it .
b)You can say earning money turns as a first priority to them.
You indulge yourself into it but don't be always part of it.
I remember in our third assignment there youtube video has provided to us one f them is about online marketing,content writing .
If you go through it ,you may learn content writer or in touch with any you may design page for freelancing job.As a content writer you may get lots of benefits in freelancing job.In freelancing there a work related to translating and interpreting .you are good content writer design the page perfectly ,writing is easily understand able then you may get the job in translating as a freelancer.
Via online marketing you can give mail id to your collegaues with whom you are in contact with will help you.You may give your id to some company for providing job in respective that you areinaklwaystouch with yourclients whenever you needed.
World has devloped up to that extent where if you have knowledge and talent you can never be in trouble.Althogh we all know that in our country only 30% of people uses internet .However in few years this ratio has increase.With the implementation of GST chances are even more to devlope freelancing job .
Our country are in way of progress where everything is well planned.
Freelancing job you will easily access when you are a part of our team and have a good reputation in a team.I guess in our second assignment meaning of team work are cleared to each one of us.
Once Napolean said that its not fault of our soldiers that they are not doing the job perfectly ,problem is with our officers they are not teaching them howto work in team ,or where they are lacking.
Suppose that in your team once get the job but not in mood to do that he must pass it through to the other .So create a eco-friendly enviroment and gradually it itself create a small marketplace to approach freelancing and helps you a lot to be in touch with the clients.
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Freelancer at its betterment
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