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Personal branding and translators

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A person who translates a message or text from one language to another language is Called translator but to become a good and perfect translator needs very much knowledge on two or more languages. ‘’ Lancer ’’ is a french word which means to jump, the term free lancer means to take jump freely in all directions. Actually free lancer means to express something finely or translate it according to the nature of the subject. There is lot of difference between translation and freelance writing for translation the translator is subjected to translate a language specifically using the exact word. This may be called word to word translation. But as far as freelancing concerned the translator has the authority to express his/her views as to his/her capacity command over a language by means of idioms proverb and dialects etc.,. To be called freelancer one must have command at least over a language preferably and international language like English. Then the Freelancer has the capacity to express his ideas and views which prove convincing to the customer/client to gain his satisfaction. There are jacks of all and masters of nothing. Such people though having of Hoch Posh knowledge of different languages but they do not have command over even a single language. Consequently they are neither able to perfectly translate a language into another language. So they failed to satisfy or gain the confidence of the Client/Customer. 

Freelancing is not a course to be completed within a specific period but it calls for time spanning years deep and vast study of various subjects from different angle. Having attained such capacity or perfection the translator or freelancer shoots into prominence which automatically attracts the customer by virtue of their satisfaction. In many cases the Freelancer is supposed to furnish exact time and date of incident if one is dealing with historical or criminal case. Contrary to this a little knowledge of main language like English will not be helpful to explain a subject perfectly and thus this results in beating against the bush and thus this sort of attitude causes loss of confidence and satisfaction of the client/customer. In my city Hyderabad where I have been working as Translator of English,Urdu and Persian Languages there are so many translators whose offices are equipped with modern technology like computers with Dictionaries and Smart phones which enable them for prompt approach to the internet to verify the facts but they can not produce the exact result or the translation this is due to lack of command over the language or unsound knowledge of the facts. Know a days it is open to all that so many languages have undergone transformations which are generally classified into classic and modern language. Consequently there is  lof of difference between a classic and modern language which sometimes pushes the translator into deep confusion and thus abstains him grasping a true idea about the translation. So it is also preferable for a good translator or freelancer to have a sound knowledge about classical and modern language. Then only one call himself a perfect translator or freelancer. Which does not need to seek the help of publicity to attract clients/customer. So this fact and such sort of attitude or capacity or ability spreads like a wild fire in the society which paves way for clients/customers to approach the translator or freelancer.  


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