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Learning About Project Management: An Overview Of Its Importance

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By Ticiane Martins
Every company has the goal of being able to imposes itself on the market, gaining recognition and fulfilling satisfactorily the role which it intends to exercise. To achieve this purpose, it is not enough just to have a product or service that stands out in the market, you need to understand the organization as a body, whose functions and structures should be in synch to keep active and in constant development. This holistic vision on any workplace makes it necessary to implement a strategic thinking to guide their actions. Thus, the project management is a tool capable of providing greater control over the possibility of putting dreams into practice, since it considers important factors (time, financial resources, goals, deadlines, quality control) to reach a goal with assertiveness.
A project is a strategic direction that has clearly defined objectives, whereas the temporal horizon, costs, deadlines and quality criteria. Some characteristics of the project involves: clear definition with respect to the time horizon (start and end well established) and to the singularity (products and services with a differential). It is important to note that the projects are present both in professional life and personal life. In this way, a project can be: building a house, a marriage, the disclosure of a product, the development of a product, the launch of a new product, improving the company's image, the change of profession, the realization of a trip, etc. Furthermore, the management is the ability to harmonize certain characteristics in favor of a common goal; in an organization, for example, involves a strategic vision on characteristics such as quality, features, cost, time and structure.
In view of the aspects previously raised, it can be said that the project management uses this holistic vision on an organization, for example, to achieve the needs and expectations of the different actors involved in favor of a pre-determined objective. Companies use project management for various reasons, which would include planning actions to achieve a goal, set goals with deadlines, manage resources effectively, assessing risks and possible failures, budget costs, among others. The project management, therefore, has a reason well defined, taking care to define how the objectives will be achieved, who will be the actors involved, how much each initiative will cost and what is the deadline for each action be performed. In the field of translation, for example, the project management deals with various challenges, such as: lack of visibility in the market, lack of control over the translation process, inefficiency of the quality control. The process of the project management involves the beginning of the project, the monitoring and control of processes, the implementation of planned actions and the final stage. Thus, it can be considered the existence of the following steps: planning, scheduling, controlling and closure. The planning step is the most important, because it refers to the process of defining strategies to convert goals into reality. The step of scheduling is responsible for establishing a deadline for performing the activities defined, considering resources and personnel available. The phase control is performed during the implementation of the project and the closure phase is the last phase of the project.
According to Ricardo Viana Vargas in his book " Gerenciamentos de Projetos, estabelecendo diferenciais competitivos" (book on project management published in Brazil), the project management does not represent anything new on the market, but rather the possibility of establishing "a structured and logical process to deal with events that are characterized by the novelty, the complexity and the environmental dynamics", emerging as a possibility to respond to the rapid changes of a current environment increasingly competitive. In this way, companies need to achieve best results, optimizing time and resource, as well as offering more quality. For the author, this methodology can be used by any enterprise and is not limited to projects of high complexity and, as benefits, you can quote: greater control over the execution of the work, structuring of the methodology and the possibility to develop new techniques from addition, greater managerial control over all stages of production, reduction of failures, higher possibility of adaptation of the product to any sudden change in the market. Despite its many benefits, you must also consider the failures that can occur in this process, such as: lack of clarity as to the purpose of the project, lack or inefficiency of the manager of the project, lack of leadership, a lack of time planning, among others.
In this way, a project demonstrates the willingness of the company to understand the market and to position itself in an effective way, often anticipating of the market (with launch of new products, services, etc.) or even acting to correct any company failure. Project management enables the establishment of goals that are consistent with the reality of the company, because it considers the available resources and possible costs. Project management provides, therefore, a comprehensive view on the whole production process, on the market and on the organization. It is a tool that allows control over the fate of a company, causing a confluence of goals and actions.

VARGAS, Ricardo Viana. Gerenciamentos de Projetos, estabelecendo diferenciais competitivos. 8ª ed. Rio de Janeiro: Brasport, 2016. In:
MODLINGUA. Project Management explained on Youtube in 20 Minutes. In:
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