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Natya Shastra and blockbuster formula

20. 09. 04
posted by: Ravi Kumar
Hits: 983
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Indian cinemaThe majority of Indian blockbusters follow the formula of action, thrill, and drama. Have you ever wondered why this formula is so successful?

Since ages, the stories of Ramanaya, Mahabharata, and alike scriptures have got into the minds of Indians in such a way that such stories appear to be a reality. Thus, often a large number of Indians easily give way to emotions over reasons.

Circa 200 BC, Bharat Muni gave sutras for a successful drama. These sutras defined various types of emotions and also explained how to exploit them for providing various kinds of experience. Slowly it became a tradition in India to experience a high level of bliss through poetry, songs, music, storytelling, drama, and cinema.  

Scriptwriters and cinema makers experiment with their texts and try to exploit the emotions of their audience. They carefully use trigger points such as love, anger, thrill, conflict, empathy, compassion, resolve, etc. that move the audience. 

For example, they create conflict between a hero and villain, add some elements of challenges and thrills, love and passion, and create a much-heightened experience.  The more they are able to move the audience, the more successful the movie becomes. 

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