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Giriman Sachdeva

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I am Giriman Sachdeva, a student in the Department of Germanic and Romance Studies, University of Delhi. Presently, I am pursuing a bachelor's in French, one of my beloved languages. Besides, I have also got the opportunity to enter into Portuguese culture as an adjoining language. I have a keen interest in budding my skills in languages. This persuades me to devote a certain time to read articles and citations in french. French entered into my life when I was in 5th standard. At that time, this language was just a labyrinth for me but gradually, I laid a great hold of it. My professors portray me as an epitome of hard work and a fully engrossed person in my interests. Considering my passion for such a fascinating language, I can assure you to take the respected company to the highest echelons.
There is the existence of only one aspiration within me. Do you know what? It’s to be unlike others. Along with my studies, I scrutinize the people around me. They have the tendency of derailing from their own path and jumping onto the others. This has given me a sense of dissatisfaction and a feeling of opposition. I have centralized my mind to turn up with something unique that most people usually resist. French assists me in broadening my approach. I have a very special relationship with this language because we have a mutual power to understand each other. This way, I persist to enlargen the reservoir of affection for it. Talking about my future goals, french is surely going to remain the base for anything that I want to acquire as my career. It magnifies my skills to the depth as if I am made only for it. This fondness has ultimately prepared my mind to pursue a master's the very next year. French literature and culture have allured me to such an extent that I want to explore more and more of it. Working as an intern with Modelingua will further enhance my skills for the language. It is going to give me the knowledge of dealing with the language on the professional front. Moreover, I will learn some collaborative techniques and teamwork skills which are conducive to drive in the professional domain.
Giriman is a summer intern at modlingua, New Delhi
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