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Jillian Gothelf

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Jillian Gothelf

1891117 857931560897704 8716781166630044656 nHi, I am Jillian Gothelf and I am from New York, USA. I used to attend Ithaca College where I majored in Television and Radio Broadcasting with a Spanish Minor but last year I transferred to the University of Maryland where I am now a double major with Communications and Spanish. I have been studying the spanish language since the 6th grade and still practice it in hopes to use it in my career path in the future. 

After graduating, I plan to continue using my spanish knowledge and language  to either do international law, professional translating, or maybe being part of the Telemundo team, a spanish entertainment company. Being that this is what I want to do, I think having an internship with Modlingua will give me great training and will help me improve my spanish skills.

The four concentrations that I chose were helping build Modlingua’s Youtube channel, Blogging, Social Media Marketing, and content writing and citizen journalism to help me focus on building my strengths in those fields. My hobbies include singing, playing piano, and playing tennis.

I love that this internship can connect me with people all around the world and with the help of the Modlingua team I am looking forward to gain new insights in the translation field.