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Imulok Marcus

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Imulok Marcus is currently pursuing a bachelor degree in English Language and Literature Studies in Universiti Sains Malaysia. Despite English language being her third language, she is more comfortable using it compared to Malay or Dusun. Malay is the national language for Malaysia as well as her second language. On the other hand, Dusun is her native language which is also one of the ethnic minorities in Malaysia. She was the president for the English Language society in her university for the 2016/2017 academic year. In addition, she has contributed time and effort as one of the organising committees for the International Conference on Humanities 2016 held by USM. She also wrote a few articles for, a design-focused weblog, during her internship in 2014.

Her hobbies include reading a variety of topics on the current issues as well as gardening. To improve her English language skills, she watches TED Talks videos and aspires to become one of the speakers. As an intern for Modlingua, she would like to excel in all the assignments given and in return become more passionate working within the language field. Her four areas of interest to focus on are blogging, content writing and citizen journalism, project management and quality standards, and business development.
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