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Simona Tessa

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Simona Tessa

simonaHello! I am Simona Tessa. Since 2011, I have been living in Rome. Here, I have just earned a bachelor’s degree in foreign languages at Unint- University of International studies in Rome, especially in Languages for Interpreting and Translation. In this university, I have got the possibility to learn what I love, languages and their culture, in particular with translation and interpreting.

During my studies, I have learnt different languages: English, Chinese and a little of German as well as my mother tongue Italian. In the future, I want to learn other languages such as Hebrew, Russian and Spanish. I would like to continue my studies with languages, in particular with Chinese and English as well as I would like to sign up for a postgraduate course in Organisation and Marketing for Business Communication.

My hobbies are travelling, speaking, reading books, cooking and play the guitar.

Modlingua is an opportunity to improve what I really love, languages and translation. I would like to improve in different fields such as Marketing and Sales, Market Research, Entrepreneurship and terminology in marketing/management.

Career Goal

During my studies, I have always had a lot of interest in languages and in particular with English and Chinese language. This is my passion, speaking languages and travelling for improve a particular language and consequently to know another culture. For this reason, this year in March, I have earned a bachelor’s degree in Languages for Interpreting and Translation. At this kind of university, I have had the possibility to strengthen my knowledge about languages and I have learnt to do a good translation in and to another language.

Today, I am a customer care assistant and during this year in my job, I have learnt to collaborate in a teamwork. Therefore, I have the capacity to do the work that is entrusted to me in a good way. I really love collaborating with a teamwork, with my colleagues. So, working in a teamwork help me to learn more and improve my knowledge in other sectors. In particular, the sector I would like to improve is the translation in English and Chinese languages as well as learning more word in marketing and entrepreneurship fields. During my job of customer care and shop assistant, I have improved my speaking skills in foreign languages. Today, in my job I give written support in power and gas contracts sometimes using foreign languages.

This kind of work helps me to improve my capacity in the field that I really like such as speaking and translation.

In my future, I would become a managing director, especially in marketing and business fields. The principle aim I do this it is connected with my desire to do something in my work that is a good final product.

At the end of this year, I would like to continue my academic studies in management and business communication to become a director in communication with enterprises or something which is similar to this kind of job.

In my opinion, Modlingua is a good opportunity for gaining experience in certain fields such as translation and interpreting, fields that are my first aim today.

Simona Tessa is a Summer Intern at Modlingua 

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