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Gabriella de Stefano

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Gabriella de Stefano

gabriellaHello, I am Gabriella de Stefano and I am from Italy. I graduated in Translation and Interpreting from the University of Venice. During my studies, I had the change to live in three different countries and learn several languages, which I use now for my daily work as a freelance translator and proofreader. My mother tongue is Italian, but I also speak fluently Chinese, English, French and Spanish. I was selected for the three main EU scholarships, i.e. Erasmus +, Erasmus Placement and Overseas Scholarship, which gave me the chance to live in Spain, China and Taiwan. Via this experience with Modlingua, I would like to bring my language skills to an upper level, for a future business development career.

As for my hobbies, I love learning new things and exploring new horizons and cultures. I’m a dancer and a yoga lover.

Career Goals

Have you ever heard that languages are bridges between different worlds and cultures? Well, I have always believed that it is true, and I have already pursued my linguistic goals for several years now.

Before college, it wasn’t quite clear to me what I wanted to do after my graduation, I just knew that languages were my greatest passion and I wanted to work using my passion every day. Day after day things became clearer and I went on putting brick after brick to design my own career path.

During my studies, I focused on language learning, but soon I started thinking that this wasn’t enough for me: I was looking for something more challenging, which allowed me to open my mind and explore new fields. Therefore, I started learning by myself some HTML/CSS styling and some tools related to translation and localization, such as Trados and MemeQ. Later, following an international MBA Marketing course I attended in Taiwan, I decided to explore the Digital Marketing world and I applied for an intern position in a startup. This experience was incredibly positive, and I realized that every field is somehow connected: how do you promote a product without knowing how to play with languages? So, once again, my greatest passion was there, and I used it to deepen my knowledge in that new field.

In the near future, I would like to gain entrepreneurial skills in order to work as a project manager in a localization agency and in a 5-year time, I would like to start my own language related business.

The next step to achieve my dream is taking part of the training opportunity that the Modlingua team offers, which will be essential to enhance my entrepreneurial skills in the translation world, being Modlingua a leading language consultancy service. This will also give me the opportunity to discover what is behind the freelancers’ job and how all things connect and work efficiently, under the supervision of senior trainers.

On the other hand, I’m hardworking, quality and detail oriented, accurate, and a fast learner. I always try to do my best in everything I do. Therefore, I believe that my linguistic and marketing skills will be an asset to your company, just like your experience and professionalism will help me reach great goals for my career.

Gabriella de Stefano is a Summer Intern 2018 at Modlingua

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