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Tiziana Paloni

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Tiziana Paloni

TizianaI am from Rome and I am a newbie in the industry of Translation. Last month I earned my Master’s Degree in“Interpretation and Translation” at the University of International Studies of Rome (UNINT). I speak Italian, English, French and Russian. The Bachelor’s Degree in “Languages for Interpreting and Translation” gave me a well-rounded understanding of the cultures of the languages I chose to study. Foundations in linguistics, sociolinguistics, pidgins and creoles languages, law, history, economics and theory of translation helped me to make a decision about my specialization. Indeed, I decided to continue my career path in the field of Translation rather than Interpreting because I love transforming texts and give them a new life in another language.

In order to fund my Master’s Degree, I worked as a sales assistant in a boutique in the crowded centre of Rome. Thanks to this three-year experience, I gained good communication skills, working in a fast-paced team and meeting people of all sorts and nationalities. Moreover, I developed a strong interest in Fashion, and as a consequence a deep knowledge of fashion, clothing and textiles vocabulary. I have recently enrolled in an online course in “Management of Fashion and Luxury Companies” created by Bocconi University.

At the same time, the academic courses I took fuelled my passion for technology: Computer-Assisted Translation, Machine Translation and PEMT, Terminology and Information Mining, Computational and Corpus Linguistics. Last September I got a grant to attend the School of Advanced Technologies for Translators in Trento, an enlightening event organized by FBK, the core of Italian academic research in the subfield of Translation Technology. I really hope to become a bridge between cultures in this particular historical moment where technological pervasiveness and A.I. seem to be our only future.

I am a dynamic and positive person. During my free time, I love jogging, reading and travelling as much as I can.

Career Goals

I have always been fascinated by foreign cultures and travellers. “Words travel worlds. Translators do the driving” is what the Italian translator, Anna Rusconi, said about this fantastic job. Since I was a child, reading novels about exotic travels fed my curiosity for “otherness”. I remember dreaming of being an Egyptologist to decipher hieroglyphics and translating them into Italian. My study of foreign languages has started in middle school, and since then it has never stopped. English and French in middle school, French and German in high school and I added Russian at University.

The passion and gratitude I bring in everything I do, have always made me taking steps ahead. In the nearest future, I want to be a successful translator and I would like to improve those languages in which I am not fluent (German and Russian).In the distant future, I can see myself working as a professional translator in an international institution or in a leading LSP, guaranteeing a high level of quality in a highly technological translation environment. It will take time and a lot of experience to achieve these goals, but I believe in my determination and I will work hard for what I want.

I do see this internship as a great opportunity to empower my translation and human portfolio with extra-linguistic aspects which are essential nowadays for a translator: Marketing, Social Media and Project Management. My expertise lies in responsibility, adaptability, meticulousness and willingness to work in a team. I hope Modlingua senior trainers will help me to improve my professional and human skills as well as to increase my marketability in the changeable industry of Translation.

Tiziana Paloni is a Summer Intern 2018 at Modlingua