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Anjali Jain

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Anjali Jain

Anjali JainI have been a nomad, not in the literal sense of the word, but in that, I’m always seeking answers to questions of life. I did my Bachelors and Masters in Translation in the German language from Jawaharlal Nehru University. Back in 2012 when I started pursuing German in my Bachelors I honestly had no idea what I wanted out of life. In the process, however, I developed as a person and crafted a bouquet of experiences that I can fall back on. Such experiences have led me to the path of uncovering my true self.

Career Goals

Recently I stumbled upon the Japanese word Ikigai which means your sense of being and in Japanese culture, there is this notion that one constantly creates one Ikigai. I also feel that you cannot have one set goal for life but that you constantly develop yourself, however, you must have a plan or what is it that drives you out of bed in the morning like spiritual teacher Rob Bell explains. Following this principle, I’m currently preparing for the C2 level exam of the German language. Apart from making me multilingual, learning German has helped me appreciate languages better and made me conscious of the working of languages. As children, we hardly pay attention to the process of language learning. But doing so when you are adult takes you back to the basics and makes you realise how beautiful each phase of mastering a language is. I remember when in 2016 I got a chance to visit Berlin on a scholarship, the joy of speaking in the language of the country one’s visits. It was then I also realised the feeling of speaking in your mother tongue. These qualities and associations that separate one language from another is what makes the process of language learning more remarkable. I would like to learn Japanese sometime in future and develop a similar bonding with the language. No matter what one studies or does, our ultimate goal is to become a part productive member of society. At this juncture, I would call this as my long-term goal and this internship will add one more feather in my cap.

An internship in the field of marketing related aspects would enable me to not only translate but also promote my own blogs in future. With the help of the confidence which I will gain after working with a set of established professionals, I would also like to be on your file as one of the Modlingua German Language Translators.

Anjali Jain is a Summer Intern 2018 at Modlingua

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