Call for submissions: Translation Review
University of Texas at Dallas
distributed by Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
Translation Review is unique in the English-speaking world. While many literary journals publish the works of international authors in English translation, TR also focuses on the re-creative, cultural, practical, theoretical, and critical aspects of translation.
Our aim is to provide translators, scholars, and readers with a forum in which to cultivate a dialogue about the importance of translation in a globalized world, to illuminate the challenges and difficulties involved in transplanting a text from a foreign language and culture into English, and to increase the visibility and status of the translator in our contemporary world. As such, Translation Review serves as a major critical and scholarly journal that facilitates cross-cultural communication through the refined art and craft of literary translation. In 2013, TR received the Phoenix Award from The Council of Editors of Learned Journals (CELJ) for significant editorial achievement.
Translation Review is a peer-reviewed journal published by the University of Texas at Dallas and distributed internationally by Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group. The journal is read worldwide and has both national and international institutional subscribers. It is our hope that if your library does not currently carry a subscription to the journal that you might encourage them to subscribe in order to have it available to the students, faculty, and staff. TR is published three times a year and accepts submissions on a rolling basis.
Translation Review is committed to publishing the best new scholarship on any aspect of the history, practice, and theory of translation. We are also interested in publishing interviews with translators and innovative research related to emerging relationships between translation, music, visual culture, and the digital.
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You may address any questions to Shelby Vincent, Managing Editor, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.