By Prathibha
I was part of the online internship at Modlingua, which started on 7th June 2017 and ended on 20th August 2017, totaling about 3 months of duration. Topics such as Social Media Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Freelancing, Business Development, Customer Relationship, Localization, Internationalization, Networking, Human Relationship, Project Management and Quality Standards etc., were covered during the internship. There were regular online group sessions through GoToMeeting and assignments, which we had to complete and submit using their online platform. There was clear cut communication about how to go about with the assignments along with sufficient support in order to achieve the same. Mr. Ravi Kumar was very co-operative in clarifying my doubts during the process. Our assignments started with creation of our professional profile in the Modlingua platform and uploading to a location designated for all the interns. A place holder was created on the Modlingua website for storing various interns’ assignments. There was a well-defined protocol for all the activities and all the interns were encouraged to follow that protocol strictly.
There were interesting topics such as “Whether I can make an impact on the society as a citizen journalist in a more effective way, due to my multilingual skills?”, “Why Google Search and Top Ranking in Google search is important? How come translators or multilingual writers benefit from this phenomenon? Do you see some advantages for your language pairs you work in”, “As a freelancer how to we make new clients and how we retain them?”, which stand out among all the topics. Most of the topics had relevant educational and motivational videos designed by Mr. Ravikumar and shared through Modlingua’s Youtube channel. The assignments were thought provoking and made us to think hard and apply to our day to day work. The session about Quality Standards and its connection to translation services was an eye opener for me. There were some terminologies and concepts which were new to me and it was fulfilling to get used to them and learn more about them during the course of the internship. At the same time, we had the opportunity to look at others’ thought processes through their assignments, thereby widening our perspective.
The internship has changed me as a person, my way of looking at certain things and the perspective. It was not just a knowledge sharing internship, but was experiential in nature, due to which it will have a long lasting impact.
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Summer internship and translation management training report by Pratibha Japanese Translator
17. 08. 27
- posted by: Prathibha
Hits: 2293