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Summer internship and translation management training report by Asif Ali Italian Translator

17. 08. 27
posted by: Asif Ali
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By Asif Ali

My journey starts with modlingua through social network site LinkedIn where I met with Mr. Ravi Kumar, Director of “modlingua learning pvt ltd” New Delhi, a leading translation agency. Ravi Sir honored me by inviting for reading his presentation on “The translator as an Entrepreneur: An Indian Perspective” at Hacettepe University, Ankara Turkey in 2009 and it was later published in many journals and forums including the ITI Journal, London and the journal of Indian council for cultural relations, New Delhi on which I wrote my short review to Ravi Sir and also share my view and thoughts regarding the concept of language entrepreneurship and over the proposed Global conclave on language entrepreneurship this year at New Delhi with close cooperation with Indian Translators Associations and leading business schools and institutions which is really admirable and a Visionistic approach in the field of language and research and will definitely give an extra edge to the Indian translator community to not only in India but at world forum. It is really appreciable that modlingua has already successfully organized more than 7 global conferences on language and translation.

I came to know about summer Internship in Modlinga through mail and I applied for the same and my profile has been shortlisted for this Internship where there are interns from all over the world and I am really thankful for providing me this opportunity and considering my application. The purpose of the internship was to provide language experts a professional and commercial knowledge of language industry, importance of Translators as an integral part of the commerce and business and more importantly providing a platform where linguists from all over the world may work under one consensus means showing unity and integrity in terms of price and guidelines.

The main objectives of the internship was learning and understanding each and every aspect of knowledge which is associated with language and research. The motive of this internship was to learn,understand,admire and perform. To make interns enable to decide their future as well that in which sector they want to explore and invest their career.

The objective of this internship was to educate interns about the importance of language in the society and the application of language as a career in different ways as language itself is a strong mechanism which plays a prominent role behind any flourishing Culture ,Civilization, art n craft, cuisine, commerce, business and remain as an integral part in each and every aspect of Social life.

This Summer internship commenced in the 1st week of June 2017 and completed in the 2nd week of August. In this entire phase of internship of almost 2 months, I came to learn various new things which I have never thought about its applications in the field of language and translation and eventually if was applying somewhere these skills, but was unaware about its importance and real applications. The internship was divided into 7 assignments out of which 1st assignment was introduction of the intern, selection of 4 major areas of internship where an intern has to focus more and planning of the development of the programme and 7th assignment is of giving of detail account about the entire activities, lessons learnt, approach and other important factors.

There were five assignment divided into different subjects with online classes, post classes videos on you tubes and references to learn and understand the concept of each subjects clearly from learning to applications point of view. The main areas covered during the internship were Translators and Translators network, Strategy, Networking, Using of language skills as a citizen journalist and comparative studies of different languages with mother tongue, importance of Google search in the life of translators and multilingual writers, relationship between content writing, online marketing and translation in multiple languages, differentiation between globalization, localization, internationalization and translation of content, to prepare a business plan, personal branding, how to make new clients as a freelancer and build durable relationship, an alternate options for language professionals, positions of translators in society, importance of quality standards, role of linguistic and non linguistic aspects in translation process, lack of awareness about quality standards in India is hampering the professional development of translators and language professionals, role of project management to increase efficiency of any workplace, integration of project management into translation business and role of charter and documentation in project management with online classes, post class videos on YouTube@modlingua and useful resources and references to complete the assignment successfully. There are various useful things which I learnt from this programme like basic understanding of language and its importance, uses and applications, quality maintenance, networking and more importantly responsibility, punctuality, honesty and team work .

As far as teaching methodology is concerned, it was well organized, descriptive, full of resources and narrated in simple, clear and lucid way. The efforts of Ravi Sir as a Teacher, Mentor and Guide is really appreciable and would like to extend my sincere regard for the same. Honestly speaking before starting of this internship programme, I have not taken this in a broader perspective means taken an internship programme as a simple workshop where it gives basic trainings and methodology. But here in modlingua it was not mere a workshop rather a complete package of professional teachings with lessons of moral ethics. What I achieved here through this internship is beyond my expectations because I have never went through this type of programme where the methodology of entire programme is not only teaching or giving lectures but opening the way to earn and establish. Here I felt blend of teaching and guardianship together to nurture the interns in a health and positive way so they may use their potentials with confidence.

I am feeling very fortunate to be the part of this journey where interns from all over the world worked as a team under one roof and demonstrate their skills and shares their different form of knowledge and ideas on single topics which were really useful to analyze one topic into various forms and approach and personally after watching so many videos and writing assignments feeling confident to understand and analyze any subject matter in a descriptive way. By watching videos I have developed learning skills also and this I may use while teaching to the students or presenting any paper. The way Ravi sir arranged the entire session is really impressive and again I would like to congratulate him for his effortless work and a visionistic approach. I am looking forward to associate as a member with modlingua in future also. I would like to extend my greetings and thanks to entire team of modlingua for their efforts and support to make the programme easy and flexible for us.

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