By Ana Teresa Gaspar
The Summer Internship program Modlingua provided opportunities not offered by traditional translation schools. As an intern, I have undergone intensive training for approximately three months (from June 2017 to August 2017) focused on non-linguistic aspects not seen in conventional translation courses, under the supervision of Mr. R. Kumar.
On a weekly basis, the interns had online meetings through the video conference software GoToMeeting. Our supervisor, Mr. R. Kumar used to make presentations on certain subjects related to non-linguistic aspects of the translation business. After each presentation, which was soon uploaded on Youtube channel, Mr. Kumar used to set an assignment, on the notice board, with around four options of topics related to his lecture, and the interns should select one and submit an article on the topic of their choice. The presentations were soon uploaded on Youtube channel. In total, we were supposed to submit six articles and the final report online. On average, each article should contain between 800 and 1000 words. Our submissions were edited, proofread and published in the blog section at Modlingua platform.
The interns also had some tasks set at our Facebook Group – Modlingua Alumni. Some tasks included reading, exploring and commenting certain contents related to translation sector or cultural aspects; browsing and sharing profiles; promoting our Youtube channel. We have shared the channel and website with friends, family, and people with language background. Some interns, including me, volunteered to help colleagues who were facing problems to publish their profiles. We also shared our colleague’s profile and articles.
Interns had also the opportunity of meeting colleagues, at a networking tea on July 8th in South Delhi promoted by Mr. Kumar. Unfortunately, I could not be there, in person, but it was very nice to meet them online.
And our last formal activity consists of the submission of this detailed report on all activities during the internship.
Following, some notes about our activities are presented.
The first presentation consisted of introducing the interns to the company as well as giving a set of detailed guidelines for interns to follow. Then, as the first assignment, the interns were required to prepare their individual professional profile following certain specifications, such as number of words, font name, size, content etc..
My profile can be seen at the link below.
Shortly after the first activity, we had to choose four out of ten areas for developing core competency. The options were: 1) Content Writing and Citizen Journalism. 2) Project Management and Quality Standards. 3) Entrepreneurship. 4) Business Development. 5) Social Media Marketing. 6) Online Marketing, 7) Computer Assisted Tools (CAT Tools). 8) Blogging. 9) Web Development. 10) YouTubing and Videocasting.
The areas of interest I selected were: 1) Content Writing and Citizen Journalism. 2) Project Management and Quality Standards. 5) Social Media Marketing. And, 7) Computer Assisted Tools (CAT Tools). Although, the four options which received more votes were: 1) Content Writing and Citizen Journalism. 2) Project Management and Quality Standards. 3) Entrepreneurship. 4) Business Development.
As the second assignment, the interns were required to choose one out of four options and submit their articles according to with their choice. Each option was related to a different image with a brief description with themes as the popular wolf pack and strategy, networking, youth and digital media, and most spoken languages of the world and top ten languages on the internet.
I have selected wolf pack option as can be seen in the article below.
From this article, we can highlight the following: Irrespective of the interpretation of the complex wolf pack dynamics, both descriptions present common decisive factors such as organization, communication, and unity. Making an analogy between language professionals and the wolves’ behavior, we can note that we, translators and language professionals must be together and communication is essential to our language professional society. We should not see ourselves as mere language professionals, acting passively in our comfort zones, but as an entity. Today, more than ever, making connections matters. We must interact, collaborate and build relationships. Networking is as important to our success as our language skills are. As the well-known old saying goes, “United we stand, divided we fall”.
As the third assignment, based on the presentations of Mr. Kumar entitled Bests Strategies for Online Marketing, and, Pull and Push Marketing Strategy,the interns were required to choose one out of four options of diverse topics as the importance of Google Search and Top Ranking in Google; the relationship among Content Writing, Online Marketing and Translation in multiple languages; the difference among Globalization, Localization, Internationalization and Translation of content; and, the preparation of a business plan for promoting short-term professional courses offered by Modlingua. And then, submit their articles according to their choices.
I have selected the option regarding GILT as can be seen at the link below.
We can highlight the following from the article: It is not news that translators help to spread knowledge and information all over the world. They play an important role and find a place in the global economy providing optimal solutions and ensuring that linguistic and cultural aspects are respected. Therefore, they guarantee that the clients have access to accurate information or that the target audience is not offended.
In our multilingual world, translators are the key to overcoming the obstacles to the full globalization. With the professional knowledge of the GILT processes upgraded in my internship at Modlingua allied to my experience in English <> Brazilian Portuguese translation, I can help to make products and services visible to the international public.
As the fourth assignment, based on the lecture by Prof. Ioanna Daskalopoulou, and separated in two videos entitled: How to do personal branding, and, How to make new clients; and, the presentation of Mr. Kumar, entitled Entrepreneurial role for language professionals; the interns were required to choose one out of four options and submit their assignments. The options were: 1) how as a language professional we achieve considerable visibility in society as well as in the business field? 2) As a freelancer how we make new clients and how we retain them? Explain this in the context of client services and durable relationship. 3) Do you feel entrepreneurship is a way forward? 4) Explain how far we can relate this concept of power relations in society and position of a translator.
My choice was how to make new clients as can be seen below.
From this article, we can highlight the following conclusion:
Besides having language skills and cultural knowledge, meeting deadlines and being an expert in specific fields, business management skills are essential for those who are starting out as freelance translators. Some of the tips and suggestions presented in this article are what clients expect and may be the key to building successful long-term client relationships.
As the fifth assignment, based on the presentations of Mr. Kumar entitled Quality Standards and Translation, and, Seven Quality Standards one must know, the interns were required to choose one out of four options and submit their articles according to their choices. Such options were associated with the following topics: 1) How quality standards are useful for language professionals, translators and service providers. 2) Explain the development of various quality standards in translation process across the globe. 3) How both linguistic and non-linguistic aspects in translation process play equal and crucial role. How quality standards help in achieving this balance? 4) Do you believe that lack of awareness about quality standards in India is hampering the professional development of translators and language professionals?
My choice was: how quality standards are useful for language professionals, translators and service providers, as can be seen below.
From this article, we can highlight the following: Although, a certification provides benefits for both, the translator provider and the client, regarding better working practices, assuring quality and guarantee of the reliability of products and services, in case of impossibility of applying for certification, since it is a complicated, lengthy and costly process, the translator must do the best possible to use a consist process to meet the requirements of high quality standards. The adherence to such standard procedures can aid the translation service provider honoring the commitment to quality, bringing down costs and meeting deadlines.
And, technology is an important ally to aid reaching quality standards. The use of Computer Assisted Tools, or CAT Tools, plays a valuable role in the linguistic and non-linguistic aspects, aiding to optimize the productivity and guarantee the quality of the translation work. Translations can be made at a faster pace with quality and consistency while style and terminology are maintained over time.
As the sixth assignment, based on the presentations of Mr. Kumar entitled Project Management, and, Project Management in Translation Business, the interns were required to choose one out of four options and submit their articles according to their choices. The options were: 1) Explain how Project Management helps in increasing efficiency of any workplace. 2) Explain how Project Management Integration takes place in Translation Business. 3) Explain how both linguistic, as well as non-linguistic aspects of the translation process, play equal and crucial role in Translation Management. 4) What is the role of a Charter and Documentation in Project Management?
My assignment was about how project management helps in increasing efficiency of any workplace. From the article, we can highlight the following:
Using tools, processes and techniques of project management are the sound way to achieve the desired results or, using the jargon of project management, the required deliverables.
In view of the concepts presented in the article, without some structure, serious errors often result. And, with translation projects could not be different. Conducting or supervising a translation project is not a simple task since decisions should be taken at high management levels.
As can be concluded from the aforementioned activities, the training program was very well structured and organized. The interns could benefit from doing assignments related to business development, online marketing, social media marketing, project management and entrepreneurship. Besides, we could interact with the supervisor and other participants. The experience gained in this internship will bring our careers great results. I definitely recommend Modlingua to translators who want to grow professionally. Working under the guidance of Mr. Kumar helped me gain some knowledge and exposure in the translation business field, strengthen my skills and consequently, lay down a strong foundation for a successful career.
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Internship Summary by Ana Teresa Gaspar
17. 10. 01
- posted by: Ana Teresa F. S. Gaspar
Hits: 1939