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Summer internship and translation management training report by Prajakta Hindi translator

17. 09. 22
posted by: prajakta
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By Prajakta Suryawanshi,


The internship at Modlingua had the duration of approximately three months, beginning at June 7th 2017 and ending at August 20th 2017. During the internship we had weekly meetings through an online platform (GoToMeeting) in which our supervisor, Mr. Ravi Kumar, presented to us the agency and explained how we would proceed during our activities.

Our very first assignment was an introduction to Modlingua through creating our professional profile which was supposed to be used for future interaction with the website. I had selected the areas as Project Management and Quality Standards, Business Development, Entrepreneurship, and Social Media marketing. The further assignements were concerned with promoting the Modlingua YouTube channel and our profiles at social media of our choosing, I promoted the channel through Facebook groups, whatsapp and emails. The thing I liked during performing the next assignment were the images from which we had to interpret some facts and write them as a part of assignment. This really helped me improve my content writing skills.

For the third assignment, we had another online meeting about Google Search Engine, relationship between Content writing, Online Marketing and translation, Globalization, Localization, Internationalization, and Translation of Content and then write about one of those topics, the one of my choosing was that of Globalization, Localization, Internationalization, and Translation of Content. In the assignment four, we had a conference, a lecture with Prof. Ioanna about entrepreneurship and personal branding for translators; we have also seen differences between in-house translators and freelancers. With this assignment we had to write about the visibility of the language professional in the society, how to gain clients being freelancers alternate options for language professionals, and relate this concept of power relations in society and position of a translator, my article was about entrepreneurship.

Each assignment was a process of watch and write material as it considered the videos on at the Modlingua channel and external sources for further research. I was glad that the number of assignments I had were released at the Modlingua website.
Personal evaluation

I had never done any kind of internships before so I wasn’t able to compare the opportunities given at Modlingua. The fact wont remain untold that I had improved much of my writing practise and added up with literature and content writing. Modlingua assignments didn't just gave an essence of writing but I am glad to get an experience of revered internship at Modlingua.

The unnoticed part that the number of assignments given  to be completed and under defined deadlines was something much required for any fresher intern and that would help me developing a good attitude through punctuality.

Translation was not my cup of tea, to be true,  I had never thought that I would develop not only my writing skills but an aura of interacting with professionalism through analytical thinking. Personally it was great working with Modlingua team and I extend a hearty gratitude for all the valuable teachings and raising my professional standard.
About Modlingua

“Modlingua Learning Pvt. Ltd.” New Delhi, India. Founded by Ravi Kumar, Modlingua is a leading translation company certified by ISO 9001:2008 that provides certified translation services, all of their team members are native speakers or took formal language course in foreign countries. Modlingua has high quality professionals within different areas of expertise and are in touch with the latest technologies in the translation business.

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