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How to add subtitles to YouTube videos

posted by: Neha Galhotra
Hits: 2063

Presentation by Ravi Kumar

Creative Summary by Neha Galhotra

In this video, Mr. Ravi Kumar explains how to add subtitles to YouTube videos by making use of transcription. YouTube is home to billions of videos which is no less than a school spreading knowledge and awareness. It is a huge platform worth exploring as with each video one has something to gain and learn. Moreover, to make these videos more accessible and comprehensive, YouTube provides its users with a subtitling option. This way the audio content of the video can be converted into visual text in the same language or other languages, making it easier to reach out to a greater audience.

Further, Mr. Ravi Kumar explains in the video the various steps to add subtitles by showing us a sample:

  • Firstly, one needs to have an access to a secure link sent by the admin or owner of the respective channel.
  • Secondly, after having an access to the link, one can select the language in which he wants to add subtitles.
  • Thirdly, after having selected the language, the contributor must click on the option ‘Create new subtitles or CC.’
  • Then, the contributor can finally make use of the Transcription i.e written form of the audio and add it in accordance with the given timings or he can edit the auto-generated subtitles, correct the errors such as spacing, spelling errors, time errors etc. The transcription done in the source language can also be used to further translate the text into various other languages and add subtitles.
  • After completing this process, the contributor can save the work which will be sent to the admin of the respective channel and after his approval, the work shall be published on YouTube.

So here goes the subtitling process. One can also earn credits by contributing the subtitles for YouTube videos. Thus it is a blessing for YouTube channels to overcome lingual barriers, make their videos multilingual and globally accessible. Moreover, disturbances in the audio can be made clear and comprehensive by adding subtitles, also it comes in handy for those who deal with hearing problems or deafness, it does not restrict them from watching videos!

Mr. Ravi Kumar ends the session leaving us with the thought “Practice makes a man perfect” as he mentions that the best way to master transcription and subtitling is by practicing and exploring it yourself.

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