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How to learn a foreign language quickly

posted by: khushi-foreign-language-tips-tricks-modlingua-summer-intern

By Khushi Jolly

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"One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way."

This webinar, organised under the guidance of Dr.Ravi Kumar, founder of Modlingua and by summer interns, very aptly explains us the importance of picking up a foreign language in today's era. 

Globalization has surely blurred frontiers between nations and continents. With the import and export market reaching heights, the survival of an enterprise in the international community highly depends on its capability to communicate effectively. As a consequence, knowledge of a foreign language always gives a person an upper hand in understanding the situation better. 

This webinar presents some quick ways to learn a foreign language. The speakers talk about the importance of motivation and consistency in the language learning process.

A great emphasis has been laid on oral communication and perseverance because without these two, learning won't bear any fruitful results. 

Dr. Ravi Kumar and the respective interns equally shared their practical and personal experiences, which in turn made the webinar more enriching and informative. 

A great to-do list has been introduced at the end of the webinar, which will surely help any learner gain some confidence and move ahead in the correct learning direction. 

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