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Anthony David Pym and his work

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Anthony David Pym is a scholar best known for his work in translation studies. He has given extraordinary and astounding results from his research and translation works. He is one of the key persons involved in the field of translation.
Anthony Pym holds notable posts achieved through his works. He is currently the Distinguished Professor of Translation and Intercultural Studies and coordinator of the Intercultural Studies Group at theRovirai Virgili University in Tarragona, Spain. He is also President of the European Society for Translation Studies. He is also a member of the Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies, Visiting Researcher at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, Professor Extraordinary at Stellenbosch University, and Walter Benjamin Visiting Professor at the University of Vienna in 2015. He holds a doctorate in sociology from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris. He has also written or co-written some 17 books in the field and over 140 articles, which is exemplary and praiseworthy. His publications include The Status of the Translation Profession in the European Union (2013) and On Translator Ethics (2012).
Pym attended Wesley College (Perth, Australia) and the University of Western Australia. He did his graduation from Murdoch University in 1981. He held a French government grant for doctoral studies at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, where he completed his Ph.D. in Sociology in 1985. In 1983–84 he was a Frank Knox Fellow in the Department of Comparative Literature at Harvard University. In 1992–94 he held a post-doctoral grant from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for research on translation history at the University of Göttingen, Germany. 
After years as a professional translator, journal editor and organizer of cultural events in France and Spain, he taught in the translation departments of the Autonomous University of Barcelona and the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. In 1994 he joined the
Rovirai Virgili University in Tarragona, Spain, where he set up the Intercultural Studies Group in 2000, postgraduate programs in translation in 2000, and a doctoral program in Translation and Intercultural Studies in 2003. He has been also a Visiting Researcher at the Monterey Institute of International Studies since 2006.
Professor Pym works on sociological approaches to translation and intercultural relations. He holds an interest in the field of Translation and Intercultural Studies. In this stream, he has left some sensational works of his own.  He is also the one for the first time who has made an effort and tried to edge away from the crowd by indulging in the study of translation away from texts and towards translators as people. He has also conceptualized translating as a form of risk management. He lays stress on the promotion of long-term cross-cultural co-operation. His interest brings alive many different cultures and left behind minority cultures into the light, which is a unique and an innovative idea. He made it possible with the help of Translation to be successful in his approach. He has also given various lectures on Translation theories and done phenomenal research work which deserves quite an appreciation.
Anthony Pym works on translation and intercultural studies. He has written endless articles and research papers of which the list is endless. Some of his major works are given below:
 -Mediation strategies, special issue of Language Problems and Language Planning 42.3 (2018)
 -Linguistics, translation, and
interpreting in foreign-language teaching contexts, with Nune Ayvazyan. In Kirsten Malmkjær (ed.) The 
   Routledge Handbook of Translation and Linguistics. London and New York: Routledge, 2018.
 -Risk mitigation in translator decisions, with Kayo Matsushita, Across Languages and Cultures 19.1 (2018): 1–18
 -Where Translation Studies lost the plot: Relations with language teaching.Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts 
   4(2) (2018): 203-222.
 -On the direction of Translation Studies, with Susan Bassnett. Cultus 10 (2017): 145-152.
 -Radio interview: “Literary translation”, Australian Broadcasting Commission, November 2, 2017.
 -Translation Solution Types for Spanish-English (2017)
 -Translation Solutions for Many Languages. Histories of a Flawed Dream. London: Bloomsbury (2016)
 -Teorías contemporáneas de la traducción. Segunda edición,
revisada y corregida (2016)
 -Exploring Translation Theories (book) (
revised edition 2014)
 -Translation and Text Transfer. An Essay on the Principles of Intercultural Communication, Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang, 1992. 
 -Revised edition: Tarragona: Intercultural Studies Group, 2010.
 -Epistemological Problems in Translation and its Teaching, Calaceite: Caminade, 1993.
éthique du traducteur, Arras: Artois Presses Université / Ottawa: Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa, 1997.
Method in Translation History, Manchester: St Jerome Publishing, 1998. Reprint with Chinese introduction: 北京 : 外语敎学与硏究 
   出版社, Beijing, 2006.
 -Negotiating the Frontier: Translators and Intercultures in Hispanic History, Manchester: St Jerome Publishing, 2000.
 -The Moving Text: Localization, Translation and Distribution, Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2004.
 -Exploring Translation Theories, London and New York: Routledge, 2010. Japanese translation, 翻訳理論の探求, trans. Kayoko 
  Takeda, Tokyo: Misuzu Shobo, 2010. Translation rights sold for Portuguese and Korean.
 -The status of the translation profession in the European Union, with François Grin, Claudio Sfreddo, Andy L. J. Chan. Luxembourg: 
  European Commission, 2012.
 -On Translator Ethics. Principles for Cross-cultural communication. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2012 (
   version of Pour une éthique du traducteur).
 -Translation and Language Learning, with Kirsten Malmkjaer and Mar Gutiérrez. Luxembourg: European Commission, 2013. 
(Exploring Translation Theories, second edition 2014.)
Exploring Translation Theories is one of the must-read books written by Anthony Pym. In it, he presents a comprehensive analysis of the core contemporary paradigms of Western translation theory.
The book covers theories of equivalence, purpose, description, uncertainty, localization, and cultural translation. This second edition of 2014 adds coverage on new translation technologies, volunteer translators, 
non-lineal logic, mediation, Asian languages, and research on translators’ cognitive processes. Readers are encouraged to explore the various theories and consider their strengths, weaknesses, and implications for translation practice. The book concludes with a survey of the way translation is used as a model in postmodern cultural studies and sociologies, extending its scope beyond traditional Western notions. 
(Sited by his book Exploring Translation Theories)
Anthony Pym is a mastermind who has given remarkable standards to the field of translation and also has written many books and research papers through which he is successful in giving us immense knowledge of the concerned subject. He has proved that specialization in the field of translation can take you a long way in building a career. He stands as a motivation and an example to all the people out in the society involved in the same field. By his writing and study material, he taught us that translation acts as a transaction between texts and cultures. By stepping aside from the crowd, Anthony Pym mainly gave an extraordinary idea of doing translation away from texts and towards translators as people. As a result, he revived the forgotten cultures and introduce them to the modern world. Basically, he reveals the importance of cross-cultural cooperation.

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