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How Visibility, Relationship and Entrepreneurship affect Translation

Hits: 994
By Niyati Jain 
We always talk about how essential it is for professionals to have a personal brand that they're known for. And for you to have that kind of visibility in the market, it is important to build a brand that defines nobody but you. The way you choose to spread your visibility speaks volumes about your services and quite often leaves an ever-lasting impression on the target market. Although we must not confuse spreading visibility and creating a personal brand with selling ourselves, it has more to do with putting ourselves out there for people to know about us and being at their service.
For a wider audience to know about your services, it is essential to have a social media platform. This is the reason the term Social Media Marketing has become a common phenomenon these days. Considering how social media usage has grown by leaps and bounds, branding has become way easier than before. The better your online identity is, the more people you are likely to attract. But it needs to be authentic enough to send the right message across to the clients. Creating an online presence pumps your image and makes opportunities fall in your lap like never before. Although it is a gradual process and can not be achieved overnight, it is one of the simplest methods to make people aware of your brand, and the need for it is only going to escalate each passing day. 
In a profession, building relationships is a part of the process that you can not do without. If we talk about translation, the secret weapon that can prove to be the most powerful is building connections over time. Sooner or later, it helps to improve the quality of your work and allows you to be consistent. According to research, most of the arguments in the professional scenarios between enterprises and language service providers occur due to the absence of communication and unaligned expectations.
While we understand that it is normal for a conflict of interest to arrive in workspaces, it is incredibly necessary to work your way out with the help of communication. The language profession is very demanding and therefore, it becomes difficult for them to arrive at a common solution and take the plunge. So it is important to build an understanding with your colleagues and clients to thrive in whatever you're in for. Not only will this increase your customer satisfaction, but will also help you fetch more clients than you normally get. 
Considering how language has a lot to do with our general sense of belonging and communication, building strong relationships is sure shot going to help you better your output.
In a time like today's, everyone, including the language professionals, wants to be a part of the global market and it can not be denied that they have the skills to influence the dynamics of any international company and can be easily termed as Entrepreneurs. According to research, a lot of common traits have been found between translators and entrepreneurs. Being independent units, they certainly know what they're in it for and have a sense of the bigger picture as to what they want out of their work. Today, with the influence of social media spreading like a virus, it is safe to say that we are what our online presence says we are. And this is true in the case of translators as well. It provides translators, interpreters, and other language professionals with plenty of ways to connect with the target audience. It gives them a platform to cross boundaries and make a mark in their respective fields with much fewer efforts than before. 
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