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Ants Teach translators the TRUE WORK ETHOS

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We can pay attention to ant’s behavior and be wise; even when there is no ruler, ant keeps gather food. From ant’s behavior we can learn ABOUT:
  • Taking INITIATIVE. Ants do not require command or supervision to work, but always be INISIATIF, driven from within himself to always work hard.
  • Full of INTEGRITY. Integrity involves job loyalty and a sense of responsibility for the job. Integrity is a rare human being possessed now. In fact, integrity is the energy that makes us able to overcome problems and difficulties at work.
  • Always be INDUSTRIOUS. Industrious is the capacity to be skillful, active and productive; it can also be interpreted as diligent, keen, tireless and even never give up. When their “anthill' collapse, still the ants work to build a new anthill.
  • CLEAR VISION and PURPOSE. Ants work now to enjoy prosperity in tough times. There is a target time, there is a specific work target, WORKING for a big HOPE. This is what makes the ants taking INITIATIVE, full of INTEGRITY and always be INDUSTRIOUS.
Using the ant’s metaphor, as a freelance translator, I need to have a good WORK ETHOS. I have to rule myself and to take INIATIVE in any job or project I involved with. And I need to have high INTEGRITY in finishing it. I also need to be INDUSTRIOUS to win the trust of Modlingua, translation agencies, and the direct clients in order to build a good portfolio in the translation industry. In addition, I need to have a CLEAR VISION and PURPOSE as success does not come easily; I need to have the right NETWORK, marketing strategy, and production process.

When we are talking about NETWORKING in the translation industry, I can also use the ants’ metaphor in a different angle. There are ants that are solitary but most are part of a large community. Within the community, there is a wide variety of activities and behaviors, with each ant knowing its place and fulfilling its duties with total loyalty to the whole. Each ant does his bit to ensure the survival of the whole community, no matter what role it has in society. There may be a social order in ant colonies, but all ants honor and respect each other and work toward their common goal – the good of the community.

Hence, my reflection from the ant’s community related to the translation industry is that a freelance translator can use his community to gather information, job opportunities, to promote his work, and possible cooperation. By the time he is part of a project, he plays role in a collaborative way. With his WORK ETOS, despites performing and handing a good translation, being a good translator also meaning able to build and keep good relationships with the translation agencies (especially the PMs) or direct clients. Naturally, in order to serve excellent to the clients, each stakeholder needs to understand each or certain roles. Teamwork is an ultimate key.  And as part of the Modlingua intern community, I could make a good use of my WORK ETOS, whether when I am playing as a leader or as a team player.

All and all, “Going the Extra Mile” is my motto. In a nutshell, being a translator and interpreter-cum¬linguists has constantly nurtured my sheer love for translation, fed my creative drive, and ignited my passion for people development. It has become my continued commitment to provide high-quality translations and to never let words fail us.
Writer  Brigita Pudjodarminto is Indonesian Language & Translation Intern at Modlingua, India's No1 certified translation and Language service providers based in New Delhi.