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By Neha Mehta

We have a team of more than 250 people and all of us are working together irrespective of difference in language and boundaries, sitting in front of our computer screen and   through the means of social networking sites taking help from facebook, gotomeet app and our mentor. We are communicating and working towards the common objective of storing and absorbing everything new in order to emerge and learn new approach in critical thinking, analysis and learning to work in team irrespective of the time and space difference that we all share. Though many of us like me, we are beginners but with the given support of our supportive team members and respective mentor Mr. Ravi Kumar we strive to work in union to fulfill our goals. At times it looks as complex as the ant networking system but it is as efficient as the food that ant stores in the times of need and despair and is able to enjoy later on with the large diverse group of ants.
Similarly what we are doing looks very complex and unachievable even though some of us lack experience and skills but with the old and experienced ants around us nothing looks impossible as they leave us with the mark which of course later should be done with our self efforts as its only the mark which the old and wiser ants  leave and the rest is done with the skills which yet need to be developed with the teamwork and hard work.

There is a lot that all of us can learn and adapt from ants. Beginning with their resourcefulness, Ants use a peculiar strategy for developing their network that is to say that they are always connected to each other and keep track with the recent activities of other ants. They often interact in order to adapt to changing circumstances.  As a consequence they are able to create a vast network. So according to me Ant networks have a lot to teach us as it helps us build our own data networking. Just to mention here when some of us fail to attend any meeting in situations like such it’s only our networking with others which helps us fasten up our pace and make us reach to the same level like others which can lead to the fulfillment of common goal that is submission of our assignments on time.

Ants networking is formed more precisely when they carry their food from one place to their residence, but, in the process of doing so they leave behind an aura which ultimately trace the path that further forms a chain of ants which draws other ants.
Likewise in translation work and working with Modlingua team, all of us are contributing our ideas and visions which we can read, understand, share  and practice For instance - when the wolf pack picture or Ant picture was first published on facebook every one shared their views subjective or objective whatever it was but from there onwards it opened up the thought process for everyone.
I as a team member of Modlingua group would like to use my Spanish language skills to create value in the assignments, tasks, analysis, group work or other activities efficiently with interconnectedness and discipline.  I am not rigid with the thought of translation as its main stream of work which we are suppose to do here but at the end of the course I want to develop my linguistics proficiency.

Writer Neha Mehta is Spanish Language and Translation Intern at Modlingua, India's No1. certified translation and Language service providers based in New Delhi
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