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Citizen Journalism and languages

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Devanshu Bhatt

The term Citizen Journalism means the collection and analysis of news and information by the general public, especially by means of the Internet. It can be  Google+,Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp etc.  Citizen journalism can be a simple reporting of facts and news that is largely ignored by large media companies. It is easily spread through personal websites, blogs, microblogs, social media and so on. Some types of citizen journalism also act as a check on the reporting of larger news outlets by providing alternative analysis.

Social Media, Web 2.0

As a breaking news, a lot of tips or lead these days are from the web or what’s “trending” in social media networking  like Twitter, Facebook or its popularity rating based on search volume patterns in search engines like Google or Bing. This is radically changing the industry’s concept of what a scoop or breaking news is. Journalists are forced to accelerate the traditional journalistic process because people now want real time information. People want the information as soon as the journalist or the media outlet receives it. So to sit on a story until it is complete is to risk being out-scooped by competitors or even worse to be dubbed slow by the public. It is now a necessity to give the audience bits of information at a time, as soon as the information is available. No media outlet can afford to wait because traditionally media outlets compete to out-scoop each other but today if they hold on to a story too long, they run the risk of being out-scooped by amateurs such as bloggers, citizen journalists and twitterers.

As a Multi Linguist I can make following difference in society: 

Understand and appreciate cultural references and nuances

Most works of arts and popular culture are more represented in their native language. Listening to a song, reading novels, watching a movie, these are expressed that bilinguals typically have the advantage of appreciating in their original form.

Create job opportunities and help to navigate the world

Many of the people being a bilingual and especially multilingual can help in your travels. When language shares similar words and patterns it is easier to apply your knowledge of one language to another and thus make your own way around certain regions of the world.

Interaction with people of different cultural so deeper

When we speak someones native language, we can talk about a lot more than a weather and other daily fillers. Building deep and meaningful relationship with foreign communities usually invovled
Speaking and understanding partially at least the same language.

Notice and appreciate the things that are sometimes lost in translation.

We live in an increasingly globalized world where many cultures can slip, allowing yourself to be immersed in another language means opening the door to an entirely new culture and way of viewing the world.
Language as a tool that fills the need of its speaker. Language forms the fundamental basics of our thinking , language is a gateway to cultural , cuisine, history, movies, music and friendship. There are benefits of being bilingual. It not only help in others countries but also open doors in our country ,speaking more than just one is good for brain studies have shown that speaking more than just one native tongue is a great way to exercise your brain.
Written by Devanshu Bhatt, Spanish Language and translation interns for the summer of 2017 at Modlingua.   

Video Links on Citizen Journalism     

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