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Vision on Networking for linguists

Hits: 2520

By Prim Das Roy 

The picture of networking created by ants is really enlightening. Small ants do not have any resources.But by virtue of innovating ideas catching hold of one another they themselves made a network and connected to the dislocated side.It gives a great message to the human kind that how networking can be useful in our life.

A robust networking is the medium by which we can connect the world as one family.Networking creates opportunities for translators through which one can expand ones horizon and can get various job opportunities from different parts of the world and can also get adequate information over the projects, so for that it is important first to promote yourself through networking.Now a days, we have social media which helps in promoting things for example facebook,twitter,linkedln. Just being a translator is not enough I think it is also important how you present yourself in front of the global market so here it's not just what potential you have but also how you can promote yourself globally.So the role of marketing and somehow advertising  plays another important role here. Modlingua provides a platform where we  can learn ways through which we can promote ourselves.

Modlingua is a platform where we can share our ideas and philosophical  views and the expertise opinion from  Modlingua we can reach our goals. First and foremost thing in human life is to lead a peaceful and cultured life to achieve a reach cultural life communication plays a most important role in our life.

Again for communication language is the medium.It is not possible to know all the languages for one person.In this regard Modlingua is providing required support and resources to overcome language barrier.

In this conclusion, it is to say that to reach other parts of the world and to achieve a rich cultured life for which  mass communication, networking, proper knowledge of languages and a platform like modlingua are essential components. 

Writer Prim Das Roy is German Language and Translation Intern at Modlingua, India's No1. certified translation and Language service providers based in New Delhi

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