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From Teamwork to Networking as Language Professionals

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Gareema Sharma

Ants exhibit diligence and hard work. They have been known as intelligent creatures capable of sharing their knowledge and working efficiently as a team to achieve success. 

Ants gather their sources of knowledge and share them with others. They use the chemical substance pheromones to leave behind a trail, which each ant contributes to, to reach the final destination. If the ant which found its source of food wouldn't share this newly found knowledge with its colleagues, they would not be able to provide food to their community. This exhibits knowledge as something which is to be shared. If knowledge is made limited to one person, it eventually stops growing. The aim of knowledge is to be spread. And team work does this very efficiently than an individual can. Reciprocity, discussions and a sense of community accelerate the intensity of knowledge. Teamwork contributes in achieving greater heights.

The team work then creates a wide network with more and more ants contributing to it. It is collectively and not individually that the ants form a complex network capable of sharing knowledge.

As language professionals we can learn networking and team work from ants. Languages are highly complex and diverse. Communication is one of the efficient ways through which language professionals can increase their knowledge. If language professionals around the world are to work as a team, a wide and a complex network can form its place, open to discussions and learning from new techniques and technologies. With team work, the challenges faced by the language professionals would also be solved as efficiently. There is  so much to learn in this world and it is surely possible through communication and networking. This is how even the search engine Google works. It searches for information like the ants do, using hundreds of signals for finding an efficient result as the ants do once they have found their source of food.

We, as interns, are inexperienced as language professionals and need an intensive training to create and be part of this networking. Through team work and a sense of community in mind it becomes easier to begin with networking. With Modlingua and its widespread connections around the globe, the interns can communicate easily with people from different countries. There is exchange of views, ideas and culture. As language professionals, we are constantly expanding our creative sides, with interpretation of pictures such as a pack of wolves, networking of ants, exploring we possess a power of networking through citizen journalism.

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Writer Gareema Sharma is German and English Language and Translation Intern at Modlingua, India's No1. certified translation and Language service providers based in New Delhi

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