Rupali Nilangekar
In the photo of ants network, we can clearly notice their team-work and how they support each other to complete their work. We should also learn team work and networking from them. To explain this I would like to share few personal expirences about a What'app group.
I started working as a freelance translator since October 2016. As a fresher I had many queries and doubts regarding this profession. I dont know whom to approch to resolve them. Luckily I met Lalita Marathe. She is a seniour translator. She added me in a What'app group called "languge professional group" created by her . This group is created for networking of languge professionals. In this group we can ask queries regarding agencies, translation, TM tools etc. New requirements, freelance as well as inhouse jobs and other jobs are also posted in this group. I found that this group is very helpful for me as a freelance translator, because it is quite difficult to find someone who can guide during intitial stages in freelancing career. Few months ago I had applied for one English to German assignment. The agency refused my application because I am not native German. Instead they offered me an English to Marathi translation project, because I am Native Marathi. They also asked to complete one test. I had successfully completed it. I had posted query regarding this Agency in "Languge professional" group. I got reply from one of the members ,that this agency creates fake jobs to add translators in their database. Afterwards the said agency taken follow up from me till they get all details and they havent offered me a single project. Networking is very necessary to avoid such agencies also. I come to know about this Internship with Modlingua through the same group. I am very thankful to this group.
Team work is also necessary because, agencies, freelancers, editors , proofreaders work in team to provide quality translation within deadlines to customers. Communication , trust, co-opertion and co-ordination are the key factos to build a good team. I would like to serve Modlingua group with my lingustic skills. I would like to improve my translation as well as professional skills. This internship is a great opprtunity to learn these skills and also to make new contacts within interns. So that in future a new Network may be created to share own expirences and support each other. I am very thankful to Ravi sir and Modlingua group for giving this oppornity.
Writer Rupali Nilangekar is German and English Language and Translation Intern at Modlingua, India's No1. certified translation and Language service providers based in New Delhi