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Translators as Wolves

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Shahzaib Rais

An organization can be defined as a group of people united by a shared purpose or goal. The actions/activity involved in constituting an appropriate group that could undertake a particular task, can be also be referred to as organization. Any form of organization has its basis in the activity of communication, for which it must have a concrete infrastructure in the form of efficient channels of communication.
In this regard, the understanding of social organization of wolves could be of immense use to humans. The organization of a pack of wolves is governed by an immaculate sense of a particular wolf’s strength or weakness. Each wolf is strategically placed to facilitate the most efficient channel of communication, which ensures the security of the pack.
I see it as an instance of the culmination of symbiotic relationship between an individual role, privilege associated with the role and the social responsibility attached to it. Translators as a community could verily pick up the positives from the example of social organization of the wolves.
Today translation exists as an intrinsic part of highly technologically based industry. There is a huge demand of translations, mainly due to evident expansion of businesses. This potential market of great possibilities can be a site of professional success for translators if they have an organized setup, where the resource-persons     of multiple languages can collaborate to help each other and in turn help themselves.
With the huge demand of a certain product (languages translation in our case), there comes along a great deal of competition. It is only as an organized community of professional translators that we can keep up with the competition. A translator or any other modern professional must be as sensible and aware of the surroundings as a wolf is; who has a well-organized support group around him/her; as there is a pack of wolves around each of its members to ensure its security and livelihood.
We must understand the importance of depending on each other to help ourselves. 

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Writer Shahzaib Rais is French and English Language and Translation Intern at Modlingua, India's No1. certified translation and Language service providers based in New Delhi


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