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Google ranking, SEO and translation

Hits: 1444

By Joaquín Muñoz
Since many years our world is the world of communications and information. Everybody know this scenario, but actually do all the people understand what it means? I’m not sure. Because of my personal experience as an editor of texts for SEO (search engine optimization), I have seen a lot of people and companies trying to do online marketing without success. They are not aware that a good position in the solution they are looking for.

Perhaps the central idea is “because Google is a gate to all the world, hence who isn't on Google simply doesn't exist. A good position in the Google ranking is critical.”

When somebody looks for something in the Internet has no time or patience. Normally, people wait for five seconds in every search, then they choose to see the following alternative. Another critical point is the first three options get over 80% of the searches, therefore, the services or products looking for their online buyers will lose the battle for the increasing online market without a good ranking.

There are two options to solve this scenario. One option is to pay for a good position in the Google ranking, and the another one is to do a good SEO. There are companies that have a SEO department like any other department. The specialists must work every day, because they have contestants that want to win as well. Every website changes all the days, even twice or more every day. Nobody knows the real criteria of Google to rank a site or page. A SEO team can write a word, but if this word damages the ranking, it must be replaced by another one this team will find through trial and error, and so forth.

A translator can benefit from this phenomenon, because it means a global world, that is, a world asking for both services and products from everywhere. So everybody can buy or sell, and, of course, needs to make contact with buyers and sellers that don’t speak the same language. In other words, translators are a critical bridge between these parts, they can make the contact possible. My personal experience is a good example: I have worked in SEO because of my know-how in both foreign languages and writing.

My mentioned experience was possible due to my professional training in English and German. English is the most used language in the world and German is the most spoken language in Europe. There are many people buying and selling that are native speakers of one of these languages, and there are even more people speaking English for anything. In SEO, I’ve used Spanish -my native language-, English and German. It is important to say Spanish is the third language in the world and English is widely the most used language in the internet.
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Writer Joaquin Muñez is Spanish and German Language and Translation Intern at Modlingua, India's No1. certified translation and Language service providers based in New Delhi

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