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Google and Translators: a well established relationship

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By Cristian Popovici

If we think that Google is a global business automatically we think that somewhere should be a mechanism through Google reach to the people from every country of the globe. The key to reach to the people is the language. Even if Google developed automatic translation software, this is not always very accurate. This is the point where Translators should intervene. Their importance cannot be denied because no machine can replace human creativity. Computers are only “bicycles for the mind” said somebody and they should be treated as tools for human mind or extensions for human mind capacity of processing data.

But what if a Translator decide to develop a business? His advantage, again, cannot be denied because he already is fluent in several languages and can extract information from different sources, written in different languages. Continuing reasoning, what if a Translator decide that his business should be a online business? Another advantage appears. He already know how a good quality content should appear. He already has a educational background and this is a huge advantage because many people have heard about online business, but, no offence, they can hardly express correctly in their mother tongue language.

Talking about online business is talking about web sites. Even if the business is not online, we still talk about web sites as tools for marketing. We cannot discuss about web sites without talking visibility on the internet. And visibility means Google Search and Google Ranking. An engineer from Google explains how Google Search works: there are so called “spiders”, small pieces of software which navigates on websites from link to link and they index every page. When you make a Google Search, you actually search through Google Indexes Databases. But there are thousands of pages that contains your keywords used in the search. This is why Google developed algorithms to Rank the pages, showing the most relevant pages for your search. If you know the mechanism you could improve the visibility of your site. The science of improving visibility of a web site is named SEO (Search Engine Optimization) .Google offers a lot of documentation on this theme. But we talk about Google Search and many of us are not aware that there are another Search Engines like Yahoo Search and Baidu (Chinese Search Engine). Their outputs could be different using the same keywords. Anyway referring to this phenomena Translators have a good position because Computer Science is about processing words and numbers and a good Translator already knows how to process words without a computer.

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Writer Cristian is Romanian and English Language and Translation Intern at Modlingua, India's No1. certified translation and Language service providers based in New Delhi


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