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Binay Kumar Shukla

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Binay Kumar Shukla

binay shuklaMy name is Binay Kumar Shukla, a resident of Kolkata, West Bengal, India. I have a Post Graduate Degree in Sociology and Hindi, a Certificate course in Translation from  Central Translation Beauro, Department of Official Language, Ministry of  Home Affairs, Govt. of India. Apart from this, I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Alternative Medicine, Associate degree in Paramedical Science (IGNOU), Diploma in Security and HR Management. A had an association with the field of Medical Science for more than 24 years. A love towards language and literature has attracted me towards the field of Language Translation. As of now, apart from pursuing a successful career as a freelance wellness consultant, I am deeply associated with translation work for Hindi/Bengali to English.

Career Goal

The field of language is an ocean which is beyond the capacity of an individual to cross ahead; however, we as a language professional try to learn and apply the tool mixed with our skill in the development process of our own intellect. In a pursuit to learn new skills and secrets of language and its translation/interpretation into other languages, I have ventured into this profession and I am always in a quest to learn as much as I can and simultaneously with all the tools and skills I would try to bring the hidden wealth of literal and cultural properties of one language into another, which will create a common platform for a better human bonding through the bridge of language.

Binay Kumar Shukla is a Summer Intern 2018 at Modlingua

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